

Research of Internet Banking Risk Management

【作者】 李婧

【导师】 李克武;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 经济法学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 网络经济的飞速发展是全球不可抗拒的趋势。在这股浪潮的冲击下,传统银行业也经历了巨大的变革,网络银行的应运而生也是必然之势。网络银行以其便捷的运营方式、低廉的服务成本以及业务品种的多元化引起了各国银行业的关注,同时它也成为信息时代银行业竞争的前沿阵地。近年来,我国网络经济取得了长足的进步,网上银行业务也取得了可喜的成绩,但是我国网上银行业务的发展相对于发达国家来说是比较晚的,许多业务尚未开展或仅处于试行阶段,网络银行的虚拟性这个特点也给网络银行带来了各种风险隐患,如操作风险、信誉风险、法律风险等。在实践中,风险监管已经成为各国进行网络银行监管的重要内容。为此,研究网络银行的风险和风险监管及其目标、内容、方式等方面,对加快我国网络银行发展,提高我国网络银行的竞争力,有着重要的现实意义。本文分为五个部分:第一部分论述了网络银行风险及其监管。网络银行在让人们享受网络技术带来的便捷的同时也使人们面临巨大的风险。首先是操作风险,是指在银行经营管理过程中,由于内部控制与监督系统的可靠性与完整性的不足造成损失的可能性。其次是信誉风险,是指由于网络银行业务遭遇侵害、失误或其他原因,给客户造成经济损失,导致公众舆论产生负面评价,对银行造成信誉受损的风险。再次是法律风险,是指交易方违反或不遵从法律法规给银行造成的风险。本部分在此基础上分析了网络银行风险监管的必要性以及它给传统银行带来的挑战,论述了网络银行进行风险监管的价值。第二部分论述了网络银行风险监管的目标和立法原则。网络银行的监管目标有三点:一、控制网络银行风险,促进银行发展;二、保护消费者权益;三、与国际接轨,创建完善的网络银行监管法律体系。而网络银行的立法原则应该与银行业发展理念相一致,同时还应该具有自己的特点,这包括四个原则:安全原则、效益原则、公平原则和国际化原则。第三部分对我国网络银行风险监管机构的设置作了选择和安排。为了网络银行能够安全运行,光靠现在银监会各部门的监管是不够的,还需要建立一个明确的机构来进行专业管理。本部分在参考美国和欧洲各国的监管机构设置的基础上提出了自己的观点,即监管机构设置与选择的原则,并且明确了监管机构的职责安排。第四部分论述了网络银行风险监管的对象与内容。网络银行的发展使金融监管当局不仅要参照传统银行的监管标准来进行一般的风险监管,而且对网络银行的监管的内容更多,手段更复杂,技术要求也更高。因此其监管的对象应该包括对网络银行的监管、对客户的监管和对其他机构的监管,监管的内容则分为对市场准入的监管、市场运作过程中的监管和市场退出的监管。第五部分论述了网络银行风险监管的方式。监管方式是监管理念、监管方法、监管手段的综合体现。对网络银行风险监管的方式一般分为现场监管和非现场监管,它们都具有各自的特点。从中笔者找出适合网络银行风险监管方式的原则进行了具体论述。

【Abstract】 The impressive development of internet economy is the inevitable trend nowadays. With the impact of this trend, traditional bank business is experiencing dramatic transformation, the appearance of the internet banking is unavoidable under such circumstance. Every country’s bank business is highly concerned about the internet banking with respect to its convenient management, low cost service and variation of transactions. Simultaneously, it is turning into the niche of the current bank business competition in the information epoch.Our internet economy has made incredible progress these years, as same as the internet banking business. Nevertheless, the initial stage of the development is relatively later than those developed countries, numerous transactions are still unexplored or at trial period. Also miscellaneous risks are derived from the virtuality, the characteristic of internet banking. The risk about operation, credit, law and etc. in practice, the supervision of the risk has already become the essential part of the internet banking management in every country.In regard to the risk of internet banking, risk management and the research its object, content and mode, it has significant realistic effect on accelerating the development of our internet banking business and improving its ability in the competition. The paper may be divided in five parts:In the first part, the risk of internet banking and its management are discussed. Internet banking exists huge risks while people enjoy its convenience. The risk of operation means: during the process of the bank management, the damage may occur in virtue of the lack of reliability and integrity in the inner control and supervise system. Secondly the definition of the risk of credit is due to the loss, negligence or other reasons of the internet banking transactions, the customers undertake the pecuniary loss. The negative public media lead to the credit risk of banks. Lastly the risk about law is arose when the trading parties infringe the related law or legislation.The necessity of the internet banking risk supervision and the challenge to traditional banks are going to be discussed hereby.The second part includes the goal of the internet banking risk management and legislate principles. There are three internet banking supervision objects: 1. Control the internet banking risk, improve the development of bank. 2. Protect consumer rights. 3. Match the international system and construct faultless internet banking risk management system. Four legislate principles with its own characteristic as following are derived from banking business development idea. 1. Safe principle 2. Benefit principle 3. Equal principle 4. International principle.Part three is going to debate the selection and application of our internet banking risk management system. For the sake of safe operation of our internet banks, it is not sufficient to rely on each department of banks alone, a specific organization should be made to administer it. Regarding to the United States and European countries’ supervision department, the principle of the selection and application of the supervision department is addressed and the its liability is clarified as well.The contents and targets of the risk management of internet banking are expounded in the fourth part. The development of internet banking requires the supervision system not only should manage the normal risk base on the standard of traditional banks, also should consider the supervision of the internet banking includes more contents, more complicated methods and higher technical requirement. The supervision targets therefore should involve the supervision of the internet banks, the supervision of the customer and the supervision of other departments. The contents of the supervision comprise the supervision of the market permission, the supervision in the process of market operation and the supervision as to the secession of the market.The fifth part is going to address the method of internet banking risk management. The supervision method indicates the supervision theory and the supervision mode. It could be divided into supervision on the spot and supervision not on the spot. They have their particular features. The detailed discussion is made in respect of finding the suitable principle about internet banking risk management.

  • 【分类号】F832.2
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】606

