

The Chinalization of Psychoanalytic Criticism Since the New Period Literature Criticism

【作者】 魏娟

【导师】 孙文宪;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 文艺学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 弗洛伊德精神分析学说一传入中国即对中国的文学发生了巨大的影响,无论是在上世纪20年代的新文化运动时期,还是到了80年代的新时期文学复兴时期,这种影响都是显而易见的。尤其是80年代,精神分析批评成为中国文学批评重要的批评方法之一,并产生了一大批优秀的精神分析批评文本。但同时,我们又发现,中国的精神分析有异于西方,在运用精神分析的理论与概念时,它添加了更多的内涵,表现出中国本土化的倾向。本文写作的目的则是通过对1985年以来近二十年在十几种期刊中发表的100多篇精神分析批评文本的梳理和分析,来发现精神分析学说对中国新时期以来文学批评实践的影响,以及中国的文学批评在接受西方理论过程中本土化的过程。文章共分四个部分进行阐述:第一部分:概述弗洛伊德的精神分析及其对中国文学批评的影响。本部分描述了精神分析学说对西方文学的各个方面的影响以及自上世纪20年代以来对中国文学——尤其是文学批评所发生的影响,并根据精神分析批评显示出的发展轨迹,对中国新时期以来的精神分析批评进行了历史阶段的划分:第一阶段:八十年代中期到九十年代初期,精神分析批评的第一个高潮期;第二阶段:九十年代初期到中期,精神分析批评在新时期的沉寂期;第三阶段:九十年代后期至今是精神分析批评的又一次高潮。同时,对各个阶段的批评文本特征作了概括性地描述。第二部分:对新时期以来的精神批评文本进行了具体的解读,分析了精神分析学说的几个概念——潜意识与人格结构、俄狄浦斯情结与童年经验、性本能——在这些文本中的运用,并从中国文化传统、习俗、思维方式以及新时期文学所处的特殊的文化语境等方面挖掘了造成中国精神分析批评与西方不同特点的原因及其形成过程。中国人确实有着与西方人不一样的潜意识结构,从而也具备了不一样的潜意识语言,那决不是用俄狄浦斯情结、性本能所能概括的,它包含了更多的社会性的内容,即使中国的文学批评表现出了对于“性本能”理论的青睐,也无不是以“性”为突破口,达到唤醒人性、健全人性,从而疗治社会的目的。第三部分:针对九十年代中期以来精神分析批评所表现出来的突出的特点——与女性主义批评的紧密联系,从女性创作特征、女性所处的历史文化语境以及女性要冲破男性话语权力所找寻的突破口三个方面探讨了精神分析——这一典型男性话语理论在女性主义那里受到青睐的原因。精神分析批评与女性主义的糅合,更表现出新时期精神分析批评兼收并蓄的胸襟。结语部分在总结全文的论述之后,认为精神分析批评之所以在中国有如此强大的生命力,正是因为它实现了与中国实际的结合,成为本土化的批评理论,这也是重建中国批评话语的一种途径。

【Abstract】 Psychoanalytic theory into China has had tremendous influence on Chinese literature. Such effects can obviously be seen in the New Culture Movement in the 1920s and in the new era of the 1980s literary renaissance. Especially the 1980s, psychoanalytic criticism became an important way in China’s literary criticism, producing a large number of excellent psychoanalytic criticism essays. At the same time, we also found that the spirit of these essays is different from the Western version of psychoanalysis. In the use of psychoanalytic theory and concept, it adds more content, expressing China nativist tendencies. The purpose of writing this paper is to discover the great influence psychoanalytic theory has had on the practice of literary criticism since the new period of China’s and the process of acceptance and Chinalization of literature criticism, which is based on sorting and analysis more than 100 articles from more than 10 journals since 1985.This article mainly includes four parts: Part I: General introduction of Freud’s psychoanalysis and its influence on Chinese literature criticism. It describes Freud’s psychoanalysis’ influence on the Western literary theories in all aspects, as well as on Chinese literature—especially on Chinese literature criticism since the 1920s .And according to its development, I divide it into three phases: 1st stage: the mid-1980s to the early 1990s, the climax of psychoanalytic criticism; 2nd stage: early to mid-1990s, the silent period of psychoanalytic criticism;The third stage: since the late 1990s, another climax of psychoanalytic criticism. Meanwhile, a general description of the characteristics of essays invidious stages.Part II: A specific interpretation of the essays on psychoanalytic criticism since the new era; Analysis of the use in these essays of several concepts of psychoanalysis—unconscious and personality structure, Oedipus Complex and childhood experiences, sexual instinct. And from the Chinese cultural traditions, customs, way of thinking and the new era literature we find the cause of the difference between the western and Chinese psychoanalytic criticism and the formation process of characteristics. Chinese and Westerners do have different unconscious structure, and thus have a different language of the unconscious, which can never be generalized by Oedipus complex, sexual instincts, it contains more social in nature, Even if China’s literary criticism favored a "sexual instinct" theory, it is used as a breakthrough, to awaken human nature, human sound, thus healing the society. Part III: From the features of psychoanalytic criticism since the mid-1990s—feminist criticism closely linked - from female creative features, women’s historical and cultural breaking through the male discourse powers we can find out the reason why it is favored by females. The psychoanalytic criticism mixes feminism, which also demonstrates the broad mind of psychoanalytic criticism in the new era.Conclusion of the text: such strong vitality of psychoanalytic criticism n China is precisely because it combines the reality of China. Chinalization of psychoanalytic criticism is a way to reconstruct China’s discourse criticism.

  • 【分类号】I206.7
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】539

