

The Study on Mass Culture in Wuhan City during 1949-1966

【作者】 戴鸣今

【导师】 孙泽学;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 中国近现代史, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 群众文化作为文化的一个重要组成部分,对我国的物质文明建设、精神文明建设及政治文明建设起着重要的推动和促进作用。为了重新整合社会文化资源,构建新社会,1949年刚刚取得全国执政地位的中国共产党从一开始就十分重视群众文化,将其纳入到自己强有力的领导之下。本文在占有一定档案材料的基础上,通过展现1949到1966年武汉市群众文化的发展演变,认真反思了建国17年里群众文化建设的得失。群众文化是一个复杂的综合体,包括群众的文化活动、组织机构和设施以及与之相适应的管理制度。1949—1966年武汉市的群众文化建设、发展也就主要体现在这样几个方面。在群众文化网络建设方面,随着经济的恢复发展,在各种社会运动的推动下,建国17年里武汉市的各级群众文化组织与设施逐步完善起来,广大群众拥有了属于自己的文化阵地。同时与之相适应的是,武汉市的各级群众文化管理机构与机制被建立起来,群众文化被置于党的统一领导之下。在群众文化活动方面,建国17年中,武汉市的群众文化活动总体上呈现出一片欣欣向荣的景象,无论是活动的内容,还是活动的形式都得到了极大的丰富,新的社会、新的领导使得群众文化活动走出了小文化、俗文化的狭小圈子,开创出大文化、雅文化的广阔天地;但是各种群众文化活动的开展往往是配合中心运动,把社会效益强调到极端的地位,尤其是只讲政治效益和思想效益的倾向非常明显。在群众文化管理方面,为了加强党对群众文化的领导,加速全社会的文化整合,武汉市的各级党委和文化部门在政治空气愈来愈浓烈的17年里,在具体执行过程中,往往以单一的政治标准为考量的准绳,使得全市的群众文化事业在不断发展壮大的同时,又逐渐陷入到了僵化死板的教条之中。在建国17年那个具有浓厚的政治色彩的社会里,武汉市群众文化受到了政治的重大影响。本文则对17年间武汉市群众文化与政治的特殊互动关系作了深刻反思:群众文化要在一定的政治环境中存在,但绝不是政治的附属品。只有将两者关系辩证统一地处理好,顺应时代发展的必然趋势,群众文化才能在社会主义现代化建设中发挥应有的积极作用。

【Abstract】 As an important component of culture, mass culture is enormous to Chinese material civilization, political civilization and spiritual civilization. For integrating cultural resource and reconstructing new society, the Communist Party of China that gained the ruling status just now in 1949, initially attached a great importance to mass culture, which was introduced to strong leadership of the Party. The article describes the development of mass culture in Wuhan city from 1949 to 1966, and introspects the success and the fault of mass culture at that time in the basis of given archives.Mass culture is a complex system which comprises mass cultural activities, institution and facility as well as adaptive administration. The development of mass culture in Wuhan city during 1949-1966, is mostly embodied at these aspects. On network construction of mass culture, with the development of economy, under the promoting of social movement, the institution of mass culture in Wuhan city gradually perfected. And the crowd possessed their own cultural field. At the same time, the management of mass culture in Wuhan city was built, and was belong to unified leadership of the Party. On the activities of mass culture, the flourishing situation was generally presented from content to form in Wuhan city. The activities of mass culture went out of minor and vulgar culture, and initiated great and elegant culture; but many activities of mass culture coordinated central movement and was extremely inclined to social effect, especially the aptitude of emphasis on political and ideological effect was very evident. On the administration of mass culture, for strengthening the Party leadership to mass culture and completely integrating social culture, all the level Party committee and cultural department frequently regarded politics as single standard of value, so that the development of mass culture was lost in rigid doctrine in that seventeen years of political atmosphere more and more intense.In the society that had a great of political elements from 1949 to 1966, mass culture in Wuhan city was affected by politics. The article makes deep introspection to special inter-relation between politics and mass culture in Wuhan city: mass culture must exist in certain political environment, but it is never the accessory of the politics. So only if we dialectically conduct their relationship and conform to the historical trend of the times, mass culture gives play to active action in socialist modernization.

  • 【分类号】G249.29;K27
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】223

