

On the American Association of University Professors

【作者】 陈悦

【导师】 欧阳光华;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 高等教育学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 学术自由是人们孜孜追求的理想,但是大学自成立以来,维系其学术生命的学术自由就不断地遭到威胁与挑战,宗教的、财阀的和政治领域的影响在某种程度上超过了学术本身发展所带来的影响。大学作为一个探求高深学问的场所,自成立之日起,就注定需要学术自由这样一个最优工作环境的保障。美国大学教授协会(American Association of University Professors,简称AAUP)作为美国学术自由的立法者和捍卫者,教师人事制度的制定者,在20世纪所践行的一系列理念与原则成为世界学术自由的维系典范,其建立起来的学术自由保障机制更是各国仿效的榜样。我国的学术界长期以来由于教育的官本位思想,学术自由仅仅停留在理念的层面,在具体的学术活动中仍是受行政主导,学术人员的学术自由权利仍然受到很大的限制。我国提出建立世界一流大学之时,学术自由显得格外重要,需要建立健全的学术自由保障机制。研究美国大学教授协会对于我国高等教育相关实践具有重要的借鉴意义。本文运用文献研究法、历史研究法和比较研究法在对美国大学教授协会的成立背景、组织沿革、组织现状进行具体考察的基础上,总结其成就以及原因,并对我国高等教育相关领域进行借鉴。美国社会崇尚民主与自由的政治环境以及南北战争后快速发展的经济是美国大学教授协会成立的社会背景,再加上美国教育环境中教师社会地位的提高、教师结社意识的加强、学术自由的危机、相关法律保障的缺失和罗斯事件的导引,美国大学教授协会应运而生。美国大学教授协会自成立以来经历了初期的曲折、战后的重振、组织工会化以及改革时期等四个大的阶段,至今协会已具备比较完善的组织结构、组织章程、组织运行机制以及鲜明的组织特征。通过集体谈判、利益诉求和司法判例等手段,美国大学教授协会建立起了一系列有关学术自由和终身制的保障制度,促进了学术职业的提升并维护了教授治校权力。借鉴美国大学教授协会的成就,我国应加快有关学术自由的立法,促进教师专业组织的完善,并加强高校工会的维权意识,教师应充分参与学术管理与决策。本文的创新之处在于:深入考察美国大学教授协会组织成立的社会背景和教育背景,组织的现状及其成就,探求蕴涵其中的教育理念与实践标准,为我国高等教育发展提供相关借鉴。

【Abstract】 Academic freedom is essential to academic development . In fact ,since the university was established, academic freedom always be controlled by religion ,politics and economic needs, while the university is destined to be academically free. As a regulation designer for academic freedom, AAUP has developed a series of ideas and principles enhancing academic freedom .In the times of building world-level university, academic freedom is exclusively important to the development of China higher education.This thesis will introduce the background in which AAUP was established, its development phrases, its present organizational entity, and analyze its achievement in American profession, finally apply to our educational practice.AAUP, being rooted in typical American social background, went through four important phrases and became a smooth organization. Through a series of efforts AAUP has reached its goal as promoter of academic profession: protecting academic freedom and tenure; ensuring shared governance; enhancing academic profession. To critically apply AAUP’s experience, our nation should accelerate legislation about academic freedom; labor union needs to defend faculty’s rights and interests which should be economically independent. Our colleges and universities should develop academically democratic management to relieve faculty from the various unnecessary rules and regulations and establish mutual understandings between faculty and administrative management, ensuring faculty’s rights by enforceable regulations.The innovation of the thesis is to explore AAUP’s ideas and principles about academic profession through researching the social and educational background of AAUP and introducing AAUP’s development phrases and present organizational situation. Historically research about AAUP provides some beneficial experiences for China higher education.

  • 【分类号】G649.712
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】489

