

Study on University Faculty’s Career Management

【作者】 苏平

【导师】 余学峰;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 教育经济与管理, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 高校教师是教学工作的主导,他们的素质与工作质量直接关系到高校的生存与发展,一所大学的兴衰成败,无不取决于教师队伍的质量。搞好教师队伍建设是办好高等学校的根本,是高等学校工作的永恒主题。教师职业成长过程中受到各种因素的影响,其中以学校管理对其影响最大。笔者主张学校把教师职业生涯管理提高到战略高度,依据教师不同的教学阶段设计不同的职位、职务及工作,对教师职业生涯进行设计、规划、执行、评估和反馈,开发教师职业生涯。把职业生涯管理理论运用到高校教师这一特定人群,可以动态地理解教师生涯中的不同发展阶段,以及他们在不同发展阶段中不同的身心特点、需要、不同的职业任务和职业发展障碍,可以采取各种措施促成教师的职业生涯发展。从实践上来说,职业生涯管理可以帮助教师树立明确的目标,并为教师提供机会来实现其职业目标,促进教师在目标实现过程中不断成长和发展。在增强他们各方面知识、技能、竞争力的同时,高校自身也从中受益。因为在教师职业生涯发展目标实现的同时,高校也将实现自己的目标。

【Abstract】 University teachers are the core of the university whose quality and working performance directly affect the survival and development of it.Actually,the rise and fall of a university greatly depend on the qualities of teachers.To construct a good teacher team is the nature and permanency of university. Teachers are influenced by many kinds of factors during career development process, and the biggest influence is university administration. The author advocates the university enhances the teachers’ career management to the strategic altitude ,such as designing different position and work,carrying on the design, the plan, the execution, the appraisal and the feedback to the teachers’career, developing the teachers’ profession according to the different teaching stages.The paper discusses the application of career management theory in university teachers,And it intends to provide many kinds of measure to facilitate teachers’career as their career management is influenced by the individuals and organizations,and this kind of influence is changed in different stages,which can be refleceted in teachers’ changing needs.Practically, career management may help teachers to set up explicit goals, and provide opportunities for them to achieve their professional goal,and promote teachers to develop during the process. At the same time, universities also get profits. Because when teachers realizes their goals, the university will also achieve its own goal.

  • 【分类号】G647.2
  • 【被引频次】14
  • 【下载频次】1067

