

Systemresearch on Legal Relief of Resolution Flaws of General Meeting of Shareholders

【作者】 乐岚

【导师】 彭真明;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 民商法学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 股东大会决议是指在公司股东大会上,由股东按其持有的股份数行使表决权并按照多数决原则形成的公司的意思表示,是股东大会作为最高意思机关实现其机能的方式。股东大会决议瑕疵是指股东大会决议的程序或内容违反法律、行政法规、规章等规范性法律文件或公司章程的情形。我国2005年修订前的公司法一方面对股东大会决议瑕疵的诉前救济措施规定的不太完善,有些重要的制度诸如表决权的书面行使、股东表决权排除制度、类别股东的分类表决制度、网络投票制度等没有加以规定;另一方面对股东大会决议瑕疵的诉讼救济措施规定的也不太充分,缺乏可操作性,难以有效杜绝瑕疵决议的滋生。尽管2006年新颁布的公司法对此问题加以了重视,并在一定程度上对诉前救济措施和诉讼救济措施加以完善,但依然存在一定空白和粗糙之处。因而有必要在借鉴国外先进的经验和制度基础上,对股东大会决议瑕疵的法律救济从诉前救济和诉讼救济两个方面加以详尽的规定,从而达到保护中小股东的合法权益,实现股权平等的目的。本文主体分四大部分,第一部分是对股东大会决议瑕疵基本问题的概述,涉及决议瑕疵的概念,认定标准、表现形式和瑕疵决议的法律效力等问题。股东大会决议瑕疵主要是指决议程序和内容违反法律、法规、规章或公司章程的情形;在认定标准上比较宽松,不可过严;表现为程序瑕疵,包括召集程序或决议方法瑕疵和内容瑕疵,即内容违反法律、法规、规章或公司章程的情形;在瑕疵决议的效力上,究竟为无效,还是为可撤销,主张应根据瑕疵的具体情况加以具体的分析。第二部分是对股东大会决议瑕疵法律救济措施的原则完善,提出决议瑕疵的法律救济应遵循保持决议安定性、尊重决议程序性和利益均衡等原则。第三部分论述了决议瑕疵的救济途径。瑕疵决议既可以通过非司法的途径予以补正,也可以通过司法途径进行救济,即提起决议效力否定之诉。在瑕疵决议的非司法救济途径中主要分析了决议瑕疵的补正范围、补正方式及其合理性。在瑕疵决议的司法救济途径中,主要探讨了决议撤销之诉、无效之诉和不成立之诉的法律性质及在诉讼主体、除斥期间等方面所具有的特殊性以及否定决议效力判决的法律后果。第四部分运用对比与联系的方法首先介绍了2006年1月1日实施的新《公司法》对我国股东大会决议瑕疵救济制度的重大影响,可以说新《公司法》实施后,我国股东大会决议瑕疵救济制度的完善向前迈出了坚实的一步。但与其他国家股东大会决议瑕疵救济制度的相关立法进行比较,不难发现,我国这方面的立法仍显得比较简单。本文在分析了我国现行股东大会决议瑕疵救济制度不足之处后,针对异议股东股份收买请求权、股东大会决议瑕疵的直接诉讼、派生诉讼等方面提出了我国股东大会决议瑕疵救济制度的完善意见。

【Abstract】 Resolution of shareholders’ meeting means the company’s intent that is made at the shareholders’ meeting by shareholders executing their voting power according to the shares that they hold and the majority principle. It is function of shareholders’ meeting as sovereign organ.The shareholders’ meeting resolution fault means that the procedure or content of the shareholders’ meeting resolution breach the law, administration regulation or other standard documents and the article of associations. On the one hand, our current company law on shareholders’ meeting resolutions fault is not perfect concerning the relieving measures provision. Many advanced and important system such as the witing form of the right to vote, the shareholder right to vote expelling classification system, the shareholder category to vote system, network to vote system, etc, which was not taken into the provision; on the other hand, insufficiency on resolution of litigation measures as to the fault to the shareholders’ meeting, which lacks the maneuverability, and hard to eradicate fault resolution completely. Though the new passing of company law takes into consideration to this problem, and relieving measure to take into account before and after civil procedure to some extent, there exists the unsatisfying and coarseness in the provision. The blank and coarsenesses of the lawmaking certainly will result in practice the fault resolution consequently; it is necessary to draw lessons from the experience abroad and their system, two angles are taken into the detailed provision of relieving measures on the shareholders’ meeting before and after civil procedure, thus attaining the legal rights of protecting the medium and small shareholders, carrying out the purpose of equal ownership of the share.This thesis is divided into four parts, the first part covers the basic problem of resolution fault to the shareholders’ meeting, involving the concept of resolution fault, affirming the standard, the legal effect that manifestation and fault resolution etc. The shareholders’ meeting resolution fault mainly means the resolution procedure and content breaches laws, regulations or the article of associations relatively loosen in affirming the standard, it can’t be quite strict; demonstrating the procedure fault, including the calling procedure or resolution method and content fault, then the content violating the law, regulation or the article of associations;effect resolution fault, is invalid or cancelable actually, the assertion should take into the concrete analysis according to the concrete circumstance of the resolution fault.The author puts forward that resolution faults’ should follow to keep resolution stability, respect resolution principles procedure and the balance of benefits etc.The third part explores remedies for the defects of resolution. It include the judicial remedies and the non judicial remedies .First explore the non judicial remedies for the defects of resolution and its rationality, distinguishes revocable resolutions from invalid ones, and explores the ways to correct. It discusses in particular the special problem of procedural defect: a shareholders’ meeting called by those not entitled, even if all shareholders are present. Then studies the judicial remedies for the defects of resolution, namely the action denying the effect of resolution. It is focused upon the specialty of actions vacating, nullifying and formation-denying resolutions in terms of qualifications of plaintiff, period after which rights expire, etc and the legal consequences of judgment denying the effect of resolution.In the final part, the dissertation combines "company law" of Jan.1st 2006 edition to discuss that the new company law influenced the relief system of defect in the resolution of the general meeting of shareholders. Then reviews China’s relief system of flaw in the resolution of the general meeting of shareholders. Comparing relative legislation of other countries, obviously, it is easy to say that China’s legislation seems simple. Author presents two reform means in this dissertation, in order to solve the issue, which is improving China’s relief system of flaw in the resolution of the general meeting of shareholders. One is systematic construction, which builds an effectiveness estimation system of flaw resolution. The other is judicature reform, which needs exert creative and active ability of judicature.

  • 【分类号】D922.291.91
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】219

