

The Cultural and Social Life in Modern Hankou Teahouse

【作者】 代亚松

【导师】 罗福惠;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 中国近现代史, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 汉口从明朝以来就是长江中游一个重要的商业城镇。鸦片战争之后不久,逐渐从一个传统的商业城镇转变为一个近代化的商业城市。作为城市公共生活娱乐空间之一的茶馆成为研究近代汉口文化社会生活的一个重要窗口和视角。本文通过对汉口茶馆的发展概况、汉口茶馆文化的积累与形成、汉口茶馆作为城市公共空间的改造等方面,来分析、重构近代以来汉口人的文化、社会与生活,让近代汉口历史呈现为一出鲜活的生活文化史。汉口最早的茶馆在后湖一带,是汉口市民的休闲之地。1861年汉口开埠之后,茶馆的数量、规模发展更加迅速,一些汉口人喜爱的文明或不甚文明的娱乐活动如斗蟋蟀、赌博、下棋、玩鸟等也多在茶馆中进行,茶馆成为汉口人一个丰富的生活空间。茶馆与曲艺都有着一种天然的联系,很多地方曲艺进入汉口之后也选择茶馆作为生存和传播之地。近代汉口茶馆中出现了多种多样的曲艺艺术形式,如湖北小曲、湖北花鼓戏、汉剧、京剧、评书、善书、大鼓、皮影戏、木人戏都曾以汉口的茶馆作为演出场所,茶馆与江湖艺人相依相偎的利益关系使茶馆成为世俗文化的保存和传播空间。在清末民国时期的茶馆发展过程中,也形成了不同特色的交易场所,许多行业的商人以茶馆作为进行交易的场所,形成独特的茶馆商业文化。民国时期武汉青洪帮茶馆的控制与影响,又在茶馆中形成了带有秘密政治特点的帮会文化。茶馆也成为各种势力竞相控制和改造的场所。一方面是传统帮会势力的控制,大部分茶馆都具有着帮会背景;另一方面民国政府和政治精英们努力对茶馆进行改造,希望籍此能加强对汉口市民的教化和思想控制;茶馆业又形成了自身的管理组织——茶馆业同业公会,企图形成一种独立自治的资产阶级公共领域,但由于中国社会的复杂,这种公共领域的构建又成为一种幻想。总之,对汉口茶馆的前世今生、汉口茶馆文化的探讨,一方面丰富了人们对汉口历史的想像,另一方面又为严谨的学术研究提供了开阔的视野空间,丰富了近代史的研究。

【Abstract】 Hankou is in the Yangtze River and Hanjiang River crossroads, and has been an important commercial town in the middle reaches of the Yangtze River from the Ming dynasty. Soon after the Opium War, Hankou changed from a traditional commercial town to a modern commercial city. And this change impacted modern Hankou’s cultural and social life.As one of the city public life and entertainment space, the teahouse has become a kind of window and perspective in studying modern cultural and social life. This paper will analyze and reconstruct modern Hankou’ cultural, social life based on the development of Hankou teahouse, accumulation and formation of teahouse culture, being transformed as a public space. And this paper will show modern Hankou history for a lively cultural history of life.The first teahouse in Hankou was found in the vicinity of the Back lake. After 1861, the number and size of the teahouse developed more rapidly. Some popular civilization or not civilization recreational activities such as gambling, playing chess, playing birds were also conducted at the teahouse. The teahouse became a Hankou persons’ rich life space.The teahouse and the local art have one kind of natural relation. Many local arts after entering Hankou selected the teahouse as land of survival and spread. Many and varied acrobatics artistic forms appeared in the modern Hankou teahouse. Hubei songs, Hubei Huagu opera, the Peking opera, the storytelling, the rare book telling, the big drum, the shadow play, the puppet show had the teahouse as performance place. The benefit relations between the teahouse and the itinerant performer made the teahouse become the place of common custom culture preservation and dissemination.Many profession merchants carried on the transaction in the teahouse and formed the unique teahouse commercial culture. Republic of China time, Wuhan Blue Hong gang secret society controlled and influenced the teahouse, and formed the secret political characteristic gang culture of teahouse.The teahouse also becomes the place which each kind of powers wanted to control and transform. On the one hand is the traditional gang influence controlling, the majority of teahouses all were having the gang background. On the other hand, the Republic of China government and the political outstanding people diligently carry on the transformation to the teahouse, they hoped strengthens to the Hankou resident’s enlightenment and the thought control. The teahouse industry had formed own management organization—Teahouse Industry Trade Association, wanted to form one kind of autonomy bourgeoisie public domain. But as a result of Chinese society’s complex, this kind of public domain construction became one kind of fantasy.In a word, the discussion about Hankou teahouse previous generation this life, the teahouse culture, have enriched the Hankou history imagination. On the other hand , this discussion also provide the open field of vision and space for the rigorous scholarly research about modern China history.

  • 【分类号】K25
  • 【被引频次】10
  • 【下载频次】612

