

The Studying of Infant-Raising Business of Hubei Provence in the Qing Dynasty (1724-1911)

【作者】 黄永昌

【导师】 吴琦;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 中国古代史, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 本文以清代湖北育婴事业为中心,旨在讨论国家与社会的相互关系及育婴事业的本质。育婴事业是以育婴堂为核心,包括其他组织和个人的救助婴孩的善举,是受国家与社会关注最多,堂局最多,机制最完善的传统慈善事业。当前,学界对育婴或慈善的研究,主要集中在江南,多强调地方社会的主导作用。通过对湖北的研究,我们发现其育婴事业是在政府向全国推广后才发展起来的,一开始就有浓厚的官僚化色彩,并贯穿其始终。在系统梳理育婴堂局的相对完备的统计的基础上,不难发现湖北育婴事业的发展有雍乾、嘉道、咸同光三个阶段,而且在东中西部、城市与乡镇、省府治与一般城市及全省与江浙及周边省份四个层面都存在很大的空间差异。运营管理是决定育婴事业成效的关键,其核心内容是育婴与经费。在这两个方面,湖北呈现出较大的灵活性,尤其在经费筹措方面很有特色。育婴引起国家与社会的共同关注,但他们在其中的角色与地位却各个不同。根据官民参与的方式和程度,可以将湖北育婴堂分为官方主导、官民协作及社会力量主导三种,每种模式又有若干典型的个案。育婴事业的发展是多种因素共同推动的结果。外在原因主要是拯救溺婴恶俗和救助灾荒中的婴孩,内在机制则需从慈善与政治等多种视角来分析。作为一种善举,育婴事业从属于慈善体系,其发展是善念驱动、善书流行与善人努力密不可分。从政治的角度看,育婴是官方慈幼理念与实践的继续,其实质是弥补施政与教化的缺失,而不单单基于慈善目的。通过对清代湖北育婴事业的考察,我们发现其中虽不乏个人自愿参与的事例,更多的却是国家的政策驱动和地方官员的亲力督导;地方社会的参与日益增加,但始终居于从属地位。官方的强势介入,恩威并用,使看似充满温情的慈善行为变成了政治运动,丧失了慈善与自愿的色彩,这是清代育婴事业不可忽视的一面。

【Abstract】 This article takes the infant-Raising Business of Hubei provence in the Qing Dynasty as the center, for the purpose of discussing its nurtures and the relationship of national and society .The infant-Raising Business takes orphanage as the core, including other organization and individual rescue baby’s activities, which gains most attention from the country and the society. Presently, the academic mainly concentrates in Chiangnan, thus places the society in the among leading role. In this research, the characteristics differ from Chiangnan will be discussed.The Full text includs seven parts.In preclude, 1 pose the origin of my reseach ,section one summarize the academic achievements of past reseach on this subject and its research methods. In the first chapter , the Conception of the infant-Raising Business and orphanage are discussed ,then is the complete statistics of Hubei infant-Raising Business . In the second chapter , its progresses are organized into three stages and espective characteristic will been analysised,then the differences between the east and mid-west, the cities and the villages, the capitals and general cities and the whole Hubei and other provinces ,then brief reasons of those non-balance. The third chapter , Management and funds , especially the incomes, are been discussed. In the fourth chapter the country and the society interalations are discussed in the infant enterprise . In the fifth chapter has nurtured the the production mechanism of the infant-Raising Business are analyzed from many angles.The final section reviews the argument as a whole. Overall appraisals are reduced for the infant-Raising Business of Hubei.Then some lessons and enlightenments for modern charitment are proposed.

【关键词】 清代湖北育婴事业育婴堂慈善
【Key words】 The Qing DynastyHubeithe infant-Raising Businessorphanage
  • 【分类号】K249;K296.3
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】258

