

The Inspiration of Construction the Scientific Digital Lab to Biology Teaching in the Middle-School

【作者】 郭定芳

【导师】 崔鸿;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2007, 硕士


【摘要】 科普,科学技术普及之简称,历来仅仅局限于普及科技知识的狭隘层面,而在知识产业逐步兴起、“科教兴国”战略大力推广的今天,科普要以提高公民科学素养为宗旨,倡导科学方法、传播科学思想、弘扬科学精神。基于这种认识,针对中学生物学教学中的现存问题,从大科普、大教育的角度出发,重新审视其内涵,建构科普意识指导下的中学生物学教学显得尤为重要。论文入题前通过引用湖南株洲市第二中学黄国雄老师主持的“中学生科学素养的调查”研究结果:中学生科学素养的总体水平还比较低,与我国制定的“2049计划”提出的目标还有很大的差距。结合对中学生物教师的访谈情况,提出中学生物学教学目前尚存在一些问题,基于数字科普馆建设的目标及现状提出本文的研究课题。本文以文献法为主,辅以对中学生物学教师的访谈,由此对科普以及中学生物学课程改革有了较为全面的认识,并了解到中学生物学教师对科普的认识狭义化、科普意识淡薄,以及由此导致的教学实践中的种种弊端和问题。另外从2006年6月开始笔者在武汉植物园参与了为期半年多的科研项目——数字科普馆(植物馆)的开发建设,主要负责文字资源的整理与知识框架的设计,在此基础上,将中学生物学教学纳入科普范畴进行初步研究,就科普意识指导下的中学生物学四维教学目标、评价实施乃至教师培养等方面提出意见和建议。论文共分四部分:第一部分提出了本文的研究背景、方法及意义,并由此提出研究课题;第二部分总括了数字科普馆——植物馆建设概况,分别介绍了数字科普馆的概念及受众对象、植物馆的设计思路与开发目标、架构思路和框架、数字资源建设内容的选取、科普馆的内容组织和呈现方式以及科普馆建设中的信息技术支持;第三部分讨论了数字科普馆建设的特色,分别论述其在信息化教学、知识教学、能力培养和情感、态度、价值观教育、STS教育以及教学评价等其他六个方面对中学生物教学的启示,指出中学生物学教学提倡知识教学的直观化、通俗化、简明化、趣味化,加强质疑、操作、创新、泛学科等多种能力的培养,注重辩证唯物主义、爱国主义、审美等情感、态度与价值观方面的教育;概述中学生物学教学评价,应当是富有趣味性、综合性、实用性、开放性的多种评价方式的结合并简单论述中学生物学教师作为一名科普工作者所应具备的素质。最后部分简述研究结论,不足之处及科普馆建设启示下的中学生物学教学展望。经过一系列分析讨论,本文的观点是,学校教育并非是独立于科普之外的教育形式,而是科普工作的主要渠道,中学生物学教学就是科普工作的一部分。广大生物学教育工作者应当以提高学生的生物科学素养为目标,将科普意识贯穿于中学生物课程、教材、教法改革的始终,使之成为富有通俗性、趣味性、开放性、审美性、互动性等科普特点的科普活动,而中学生物学教师则成为向学生进行生命科学技术普及的科普工作者。本课题的研究冲出人们将科普与正规教育视为相对独立体系的传统认识,将中学生物学教学作为一种科普活动,希望能够引起广大教育工作者对科普的重视,倡导用科普意识指导中学生物学教学的教学理念,最终实现提高学生生物科学素养的目标。

【Abstract】 Popular science,the brief name of popular science and technology, is usually regarded an independence part of the school education. To invigorate China through Science and Education and raise knowledge industry, it should take raising students’ biologic science literacy as the target, initiating the science method, spreading science thought and expanding science spirit. On this basic, aiming at the problem in biology teaching in high school, re- examine its content and construct high school biology teaching under popular science from the large popular science and education is so impossible.The paper enters in front of the topic through to quote Hunan Zhuzhou city second high school study Mr Huang Guoxiong to manage "the middle-school student scientific accomplishment investigation" the findings: The middle-school student scientific accomplishment aggregate level quite is also low, "2,049 plans" sets the goal withour country formulation also to have the very big disparity. The unionto the middle school biology teacher’s discussion situation, proposed middle school biology teaching at present still remaining in some questions, proposes this article research topic based on the digital popular science hall construction goal and the present situation.This article by literature law primarily, auxiliary with middle-school biology teacher’s discussion, from this reformed to the popular science as well as the middle school biology curriculum had a more comprehensive understanding, and understood the middle school biology teacher to the popular science understanding narrow sense, popular science consciousness was light, as well as from this in teaching practice all sorts of malpractices and the question which caused.Moreover starts the author from June, 2006 participation in the Wuhan botanical garden for the time more than half year of scientific research items - numeral popular science hall (plant hall) the development construction, the primary cognizance writing resources reorganization and the knowledge frame design, in this foundation,brings into line with the middle school biology teaching the popular science category to carry on the preliminary study, popular science consciousness aspect and so on under instruction middle school biology four Uygur teaching goal, appraisal implementation and even teacher raise gives the comment and the suggestion.The thesis consists of four sections totally. The first part overviews the research background, present condition, purpose and method of this topic, raising my topic. The second part discusses the biologic education instruction of high school under the popular science consciousness, the concept of the popular science, from the knowledge teaching, the ability development and the emotions, attitudes and values. It promotes the knowledge teaching to keep a view, popular, simple and interesting. Strengthen to query, operate, innovation, be suffused with an academics etc. Pay attention to a dialectical only owner righteousness, patriotism, appreciate beauty the emotion. The third part elaborated how to adjust the living creature teaching material writing of high school under the popular science consciousness, including the test should be interesting, comprehensive , practical , open and combine other types,synthesize and the diversification of contents presenting, the benig nity of language. The last part overviews the study conclusion and the shortage of the research.Through a series of the analytical discussion, I think the popular science not only induction the science and technology knowledge, but also the science method, thought and the spirit. The school education isn’t an independence part of the popular education, but the main way of the popular science. So the biology education in high school is a part of the popular science. All the biological educators should take" raising students biologic science literacy"as a target, piercing through the popular science consciousness living creature course in high school course, teaching material and method reforming of always.This research breaks the traditional opinion to popular science. It treats biology teaching in high school as a kind of popular science activity, using thepopular science consciousness to guide the biology teaching.So it can carry out the target of "raising students’biologic science literacy".

  • 【分类号】G633.91
  • 【下载频次】277

