

Approach to Building Common Tourism Brands in Trans-Regions Based on Relationships between Tourism Competition and Co-Operation

【作者】 王乃举

【导师】 黄翔;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 旅游管理, 2007, 硕士


【摘要】 旅游区合作是旅游区之间竞合(竞争和合作)关系的一个重要的方面。区域间旅游竞争有其有利的一面,但过于强调区域之间的竞争,势必会导致区域之间旅游产品同构矛盾突出、非正当营销争夺旅游目标市场和旅游投资的盲目倾向,进而影响旅游空间和时间维度的扩张,不利于旅游业可持续发展。旅游业是经济巨系统的一个子系统,区域之间的经济竞争发展成为区域之间的竞合关系。旅游业发展也不例外,在经历了单方面强调竞争的之后,理性的区域之间的旅游关系应该是竞合取代竞争。品牌共建是跨区域(行政区或自然地理区)旅游产品开发、营销和走可持续发展道路的一条有益的竞合途径。通过跨区域旅游品牌的塑造和营销,提升跨区域旅游竞争的整体能力,带动跨区域旅游的协同发展。本论文侧重研究跨区旅游品牌共建的特定内涵和现实意义,主要涵盖跨区域旅游品牌共建的资源前提、理论基础、共建原则和共建实施的具体步骤。跨区域旅游品牌共建和普通商品的品牌共建既有不同的地方,也有诸多相似之处,所以,可以借取商品品牌共建理论、跨区域旅游竞合理论并进行有益的理论创新,然后运用到跨区域旅游品牌共建当中去;同时对跨区域旅游品牌的理论认识、理解和运用要与普通商品品牌的共建区别对待。在理论探讨的基础之上,以湖北省三国文化旅游品牌共建为案例进行研究:首先分析湖北省三国文化遗产旅游开发可进行跨区域旅游品牌共建的基础条件,然后运用跨区域品牌共建的基本理论作指导。具体到湖北省的特殊地域,跨区域旅游品牌共建要从四个方面进行实施。第一,进行毗邻区域品牌共建;第二,进行全省区域品牌共建;第三,进行全国品牌共建;第四,建立科学合理的跨区域品牌共建的体系。理论来自于实践而又先于实践,跨区域理论和实践的研究相辅相成,互相补充的。在跨区域实践研究中,既要立足于理论的指导,更要结合实际问题特殊性灵活运用理论,并结合实际的实证研究,对理论部分的不合理部分进行反馈和修正。由于跨区域旅游品牌共建属于区域之间旅游竞合关系研究和运用的尝试,其理论和实践的操作还有诸多不完备和尤显稚嫩之处,特别指出的是区域之间关联度指标的选取缺乏更为严谨科学的计量手段。这正是本文试图抛砖引玉和本人今后作进一步研究的前提。

【Abstract】 The co-operation between different tourism regions is important to the competition and cooperation among these tourism regions. Admittedly, competition among different tourism regions has its advantages. But if competition becomes excessively fierce, the tourist products will become similar, unreasonable marketing methods will be used to fight over visitors, and the investment in tourism will lost direction. All of these, it will prevent the tourism regions from sustainable development in spatial and timely dimensions.Constructing a common tourism brand among different regions is an advantage concerning exploiting tourist products, marketing and going on to sustainable development roads. Throng constructing a common tourism brand and marketing among different regions, the competitive capacity of tourism regions and the regional tourism economy go up. This paper mainly analyses the special meaning and standing function of constructing a common tourism brand among different regions, and it mainly contains the theoretical bases, the principles and the steps of constructing a common brand. There are many common and different characteristics between constructing a common tourism brand among different regions and constructing a common tourism brand among different ordinary commodity. Therefore, in order to constructing a common tourism brand among different regions, we can borrow theory from constructing a common tourism brand among different ordinary commodity and at the same time, we should innovate the theories borrowed.Based on theory about constructing common tourism brand, at last this paper takes the Three Kingdoms heritages tourism products for example. To begin with, it analyses the conditions of resources about the Three Kingdoms heritages in Hubei Province. Secondly, it summarizes the likelihood of constructing a common tourism brand among different regions in Hubei Province. Lastly, it argues that we should constructing common tourism brand in Hubei Province by four strategies: (1) constructing common tourism brand among border regions; (2) constructing common tourism brand in whole province; (3) constructing common tourism brand nationwide; (4)establishing a proper and reasonable system about constructing common tourism brand among different regions.Theory comes from practice but before practice. The trans-region theory and the practice research mutually supplement. Trans-region practice research also requires theories’ instruction, unifies the actual problems and theories, and bases on actual diagnosis research. At last we can find the false theories and revise them in time.Because the theory about trans-region tourism common brands belongs to trans-region tourism relations, its theory and the practice operation are very incomplete. We should point out that this paper lacks a more rigorous scientific methods to measure relations among different regions. This article attempts to introduce others and I start further studies.

  • 【分类号】F590
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】1129

