

【作者】 黄锦

【导师】 任迎伟;

【作者基本信息】 西南财经大学 , 工商管理, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 在西方,企业的发展使得职业经理人成为一个日益引人瞩目的群体,正是因为他们让我们看到了一个又一个经济奇迹。在中国,随着改革的不断深入以及市场经济的发展,职业经理人作为我国经济发展第一线之主力地位正在凸现。正因为职业经理人的重要地位,有关职业经理人的研究吸引了许多学者的目光。比如金伯利、迈尔斯、拉瑞·葛雷纳、伊查克·爱迪斯等提出并发展相关理论证明企业引入职业经理人的必要性。此外,英国学者D. J. Storey等也提出了复合因素模型,为企业与职业经理人的关系管理提供了可供参考的方法理论依据等。然而现实中,企业组织——职业经理人展示自己才能的平台——在选择职业经理人的过程中却遇上了诸多理论上的难题,诸如信息的不对称所带来的问题、经理人能力对具体经营环境的适应问题等等。这些问题的存在,让那些需要引入职业经理人的企业颇感迷茫。另一方面,国内外频繁的职业经理人跳槽或撤换事件,使得职业经理人对企业引入高层管理人才的初衷及理解有了质疑。笔者就这些问题,从企业引入职业经理人的必要性入手,介绍与引入职业经理人相关理论的内容,并分析我国企业在引入职业经理人方面普遍存在的问题,最终得出一个针对这些问题的三方(企业、职业经理人、社会环境)解决方案。由此,希望为我国现有企业引入职业经理人时,提供一项可兹参考的方案。

【Abstract】 The professional manager is becoming a more and more noticeable community for us due to the development of western enterprises. They show us one and other economic miracle. In China, the importance of professional managers, as the backbone of our national economy, is becoming more and more significant.Many domestic and foreign scholars have already paid more attention to this domain research, such as Kimberly et al., Larry E. Greiner, Adizes. I and the others . They advanced and developed the enterprise life theory; it provides theory for enterprise introduces the professional manager’s necessity.However, there are many difficulties for the enterprise in the process to choose proper professional managers, which is also the platform for professional managers to show their capabilities, such as the issue of asymmetric information, the ability for professional managers to adapt to the management environment and so on. On the other hand, frequent replacement events of professional managers at home and abroad make us feel doubt about the original intention of the enterprise, who introduces the mechanism of professional managers.The author introduces the professional manager’s necessity, and analyzes the enterprise’s question which exists in the enterprise professional manager employment, finally proposes a solution.

  • 【分类号】F272
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】834

