

Our Country Law Office Organization Form and Responsibility System Reform and Consummation

【作者】 刘金兴

【导师】 岳彩申;

【作者基本信息】 西南财经大学 , 经济法学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 自1979年恢复律师制度以来,我国律师业经过了从恢复、重建到改革、发展的25年。律师在向社会提供法律服务、维护当事人合法权益方面发挥了重要的作用,已经成为我国民主法制建设不可缺少和取代的力量。而在法律服务市场上,不可能以一个律师的形式同法律服务的需求者订立法律服务合同,这是因为一方面单个律师可能无法履行服务合同,另一方面依此方式提供服务交易成本太高,不利于法律服务费用的节约,再者法律服务的多层次性和多样性决定了在律师之间必然形成一种合作关系。由此可见,律师事务所之所以组成一定的形式,是因为律师事务所是实行有效管理、保障法律服务质量的基本管理单元,这也是由法律服务面向社会的性质决定的。1979年恢复律师制度初期我们只有国办所,为了适应法律服务市场的需要,我国对律师制度进行了改革。我国律师事务所的组织形式在现阶段是由国资所、合作所、合伙所和个人所四种机构体制并存,从目前的法律服务行业来看,合伙所无疑是行之有效的一种组织式,目前新设的律师事务所基本上都是合伙所,而原有的合作所也逐步向合伙所转变。从世界范围来看,合伙所也是各国普遍采取的律师事务所的典型的组织形式。随着现代市场经济的发展,中国加入WTO,中国律师业面临着新的挑战,律师事务所迫切需要改革。我国律师事务所规模小、小而全、积累少、竞争力差的状况亟待解决。而合伙所由于利益机制、管理机制的制约,很多合伙所存在着不同程度的矛盾。本文正是基于这样一种现实状况,借鉴国外发达国家成熟的律师事务所组织形式经验,提出了在我国建立有限责任合伙制律师事务所的理论。文章共分为四部分,第一部分为相关基本理论的阐述,主要论述了两个问题:一、我国律师事务所组织形式与责任制度的概述,主要论述了我国律师制度的起源、发展,从新中国建立开始我国的律师制度经历了一个曲折的发展阶段,从我国相关的法律规定的介绍,逐步提出了我国的律师制度与律师事务所的发展状况;二、我国现阶段律师事务所的组织形式与责任制度现状。现阶段在我国主要的律师事务所的组织形式为三种,国家出资设立的律师事务所(国资所),合作(制)所和合伙制律师事务所,从现状来看,国家所基本上已经退出了历史舞台,其主要原因是管理制度落后,在市场经济中没有竞争力,而合作所在历史上曾起过积极的作用,但是其弊端越来越明显,也不适用现代的激烈竞争。目前律师事务所主要的存在形式为合伙所,从律所的数量、管理制度及公众的接受程度等方面都充分说明了这点。其最受欢迎的原因是合伙人对合伙制律师事务所的债务承担的是无限连带责任,这一点对于客户来说是很有利的。然而对于律所的合伙人来说却是很不利的一面,因为在合伙人增多的状况下,要求没有什么来往的甚至是根本不相识的一个合伙人为他人承担无限责任,对承担者来说是绝对不公平的。这种制度很适合规模较小的律师事务所,而对于上百人甚至上千人的律所来说,这样的制度限制了律师事务所的发展壮大;在文章的第二部分,结合本文的论题,着重论述了当前主要的律所组织形式——合伙制律师事务所。首先论述了当前合伙制律师事务所的现状及其分类,其次,重点论述了合伙制律师事务所存在的缺陷,从合伙人的协同约束机制,内部管理机制,财务管理机制,教育培训机制等四个方面来阐述,通过这些缺陷的论述,说明了当前对我国的律所组织形式进行改革的必要性,从而引出下面一部分的内容——建立我国的有限责任合伙制律师事务所。第三部分内容一开始就引出了论文的主要部分,那就是关于律师事务所主要运营模式的选择——有限合伙责任制。首先介绍了这一制度的起源与发展,有限责任合伙是美国首创的一种企业组织形式,它是在在上个世纪90年代与股份公司及普通合伙的竞争中产生、发展并壮大的,从其产生开始就显示出强大的生命力,特别是在律师事务所、会计师事务所等这些中介服务机构的组织模式中。由于在普通合伙中合伙人承担的都是无限连带责任,在美国的“存贷合作社”案件中,因为存贷合作社的违法经营,导致为其出具会计报告、法律意见书的会计师事务所、律师事务所等的合伙人跟着承担无限责任,对于并没有参与整个事件的律师、会计师来说很冤枉,连带责任对于合伙人来说太苛刻了,需要有一种新的合伙制度来改变这种局面,如同有限合伙是为了适应高风险投资的需要而产生一样,有限责任合伙就因此应运而生了。其次,论文中简要介绍了在美国、英国的有限责任合伙制度的起源与发展,并提出了对于我国建立这一制度的积极意义。再次,在考察了有限合伙制度在国外的现状的基础上,结合我国的现实,笔者提出了在我国建立有限责任合伙制度的必要性及其积极意义。在我国建立有限责任合伙制度可以加强对于律师事务所的监管,同时可以避免信任危机,其实这可以被看作是相关行业团体通过努力达到的避免日后日益增长的责任的一种预防措施。通过有限责任合伙制度还能够保证律所可以从社会中获取资本的支持,同时对于全体合伙人来说也是公平的,因为合伙人只要对自己直接的或者直接领导的过错事项承担无限连带责任,而对于其他的合伙人的过错导致的赔偿责任则可以承担有限责任,这也就避免了合伙人拿自己的身家财产去替别人承担责任的不公平事项的出现。在文章的第四部分,笔者结合我国的现状,对在我国建立有限责任合伙制度做出了构想。首先,在制度设计方面,构想了有限责任制律所的设立条件、性质、法律责任的承担方式、建立对客户的保护机制以及立法体例。其次,虽然我们现行法律规定可以适用,但是在适用中仍然有很多的问题,1.虽然《合伙企业法》规定了特殊的普通合伙,但是律所是否适用这一制度确实存在疑问的,根据有关立法人士的说法,当初并没有考虑律所,而仅考虑了会计师事务所。笔者认为,可以在修改《律师法》的时候适用此种制度。2.对于如何确定律师的法律责任问题,在实践中应该注意区分律师的有限责任与无限责任,因为这关系到债权人的利益的保护的问题,同时也是对于有限责任合伙的本质问题。3.论述了如何保护客户的利益的问题,可以说客户是律所的生存之道,如果客户的利益不能保护的话那么律所也就失去了存在的土壤,笔者认为应该建立替代性赔偿资源,比如强制保险,设立独立的基金或者财产。再就是限制律所的利润分配制度以及资产取回制度,这些都是为了保护客户的利益。最后笔者论述了公司法中的一个重要制度“刺破公司的面纱”,通过这一制度为客户的利益提供一种有力的保护,当然因为这一制度是对有限责任的否定,因此在适用之一制度时必须把握适用的尺度与原则。文章的创新之处在于:结合我国新颁布的《合伙企业法》中的原则性规定,具体论述了我国建立有限责任合伙制度的必要性,特别是在建立中应该注意的问题,目前很少有学者研究,笔者正是基于这一研究领域的缺陷,提出了自己的观点。

【Abstract】 Has restored the barrister system since 1979, our country attorneys already cross from restored, reconstruct to reform, the development 25 years. Attorney in provided the legal service to the society, maintains the litigant legitimate rights and interests aspect to play the vital role, already became our country democratic legislative work essential and the substitution strength. But in the law service market, not impossible to work out the law contract of service by an attorney’s form same law service demand, this is on the one hand because single attorney is possibly unable to fulfill the contract of service, on the other hand provides the service transaction cost according to this way too to be high, does not favor the legal service expense economy, furthermore legal service multi-level and the multiplicity had decided forms one kind of cooperation inevitably between attorney. Thus it can be seen, because the law office the reason that composition certain form, is the law office is implements effective management, the safeguard law grade of service basic management unit, this also is serves by the law face society’s nature decision.In 1979 restored the barrister system initial period we only then the country to manage the institute, in order to meet the law service market need, our country has carried on the reform to the barrister system. Our country Law office organization form in the present stage is by the national capital, the cooperation, forms a partnership the institute and individual four kind of organization system coexisting, looked from the present law service industry, forms a partnership the institute is without doubt the effective one kind of organization type, at present newly supposes the law office basically all is forms a partnership the institute, but the original cooperation institute also gradually to forms a partnership to transform. From a global perspective, forms a partnership the institute also is the law office model organization form which the various countries adopt generally. Along with the modern market economy development, China joins WTO, Chinese attorney industry faces the new challenge, the law office urgent is needing to reform. Our country Law office scale small, small and entire, accumulates few, the competitive power difference condition urgently awaits to be solved. But forms a partnership as a result of the benefit mechanism, the management mechanism restriction, very forms a partnership to have the varying degree the contradiction. This article is precisely based on this kind of kind of realistic condition, the model overseas developed country mature law office organization form experience, proposed establishes the limited liability in our country to form a partnership to make the law office the theory.The article altogether divides into four parts, the first part for the correlation elementary theory elaboration, mainly elaborated two questions: First, Our country Law office Organization form and the responsibility system outline, mainly elaborated our country barrister system origin, the development, established from new China starts our country’s barrister system to experience a winding development phase, was connected the legal rule introduction from our country, proposed our country’s barrister system and the law office development condition gradually; Second, Our country Present stage Law office organization form and responsibility system present situation.The present stage in our country main law office organization form is three kinds, the law office which the national investment sets up (national capital), the cooperation (system) the institute and forms a partnership to make the law office, looked from the present situation, the country basically already withdrew from the historical arena, its primary cause was the control system is backward, does not have the competitive power in the market economy, but cooperated in the history once the positive function, but its malpractice was more and more obvious, also was not suitable modern the steep competition.At present the law office main existence form for forms a partnership the institute, from law institute quantity, control system and public’s aspects and so on receptivity all fully explained this spot. Its most receives the reason which welcome is the partner to forms a partnership to make the law office the debt to undertake is the infinite joint and several liability, this point regarding the customer is very advantageous. However regarding the law institute partner is actually very disadvantageous one side, because under the condition which the partner increases, requests one which any has not communicated even is simply is not acquainted with one another to form a partnership artificial other people to undertake the unlimited liability, to the undertaker is absolute unfair. This system very much suits the scale young law office, but regarding the previous hundred human of over a thousand human of laws, such system has even limited law office growing strong.

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