

【作者】 晏艳

【导师】 姚海明;

【作者基本信息】 南京师范大学 , 企业管理, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 创新是一切财富之源,也是推动各国经济发展的根本动力。我国保险业近30年的发展过程,正是一个不断创新的过程。随着我国保险业全面对外开放,保险市场日益凸显保险公司创新力能力不强,保险产品普遍同质化,保险市场有效供给不足,严重束缚保险公司市场竞争力的问题。提高保险公司市场竞争力,必须以市场需求为导向,加大保险产品创新力度,培养公司创新能力,不断创造出适应市场需求的保险产品。省级保险公司作为保险公司的重要分支机构,比控制保险产品开发权的总公司离市场、客户更近,更了解市场需求。因此,将省级保险公司纳入保险产品创新体系,推动其不断加强产品创新,对有效地解决产品与市场需求脱节问题,促进保险业健康发展具有重要战略意义。由于保险经营风险的特殊性,在加强推动省级保险公司进行保险产品创新,构建产品创新目标模式,培育创新能力的同时,为保证其创新的成功,保险公司总公司和监管部门既要提供相应的保障措施,又要加强控制,规避创新风险,共同促进省级保险公司保险产品创新。

【Abstract】 Innovation creates fortune, drives economic development of countries as a fundamental force. The history of thirty years development of insurance industry of China is a history of continuous innovation. With all-around opening-up of Chinese insurance industry, insurance market unveil some problems such as poor capability of innovation, homogenization of insurance products, insufficiency of effective supply, which confine badly market competence of insurance companies.To enhance market competence, insurance companies must orient their products to the needs of the market, reinforce extension, and cultivate ability of innovation, to create various products which meet the needs of the market. As fundamental parts of insurance companies, branches of provincial level know better than their headquarters, which control products design and development, on the needs of the market and their clients. Therefore, bringing branches of provincial level into system of products innovation to bring out continuous innovation will solve the problem of unconformity of products and the needs of the market, and promote the healthy development of insurance industry.Due to the uniqueness of insurance risk, insurance company headquarters and regulatory departments should establish a target mode and cultivate the ability of product innovation, as well as provide protective measures, and reinforce the control and regulation to branches of provincial level to avoid risk and assure successful innovation of insurance products.

  • 【分类号】F842.3
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】367

