

【作者】 刘洁璇

【导师】 缪建东;

【作者基本信息】 南京师范大学 , 成人教育学, 2007, 硕士


【摘要】 英语作为一种国际化的语言受到越来越多的重视,全世界每年都有大量的学术活动、国际会议需要使用英语进行交流,英语已渗透到人们生活、工作和学习之中,成为我们与世界对话的工具。成人作为社会实践、国际交往活动的主体,英语水平的高低或多或少地影响交往的成效。开展成人英语学习策略研究不仅具有理论意义,而且具有现实意义。本研究通过调查、访谈了解当前成人英语学习策略的使用现状,归纳成人英语学习策略使用的主要问题,在此基础上选取一个教学班级中三个有代表性的成人学员作为研究个案,然后深入挖掘个案在英语学习策略方面存在的具体问题,结合相关理论,针对个案的实际问题实施教育干预,通过学员的行为表现及师生间的交流获得反馈信息,及时调整并优化指导,以发现适合成人特点的学习策略,为成人英语教学指导实践提出建议。

【Abstract】 English, an international communication language, is got much attention all over the world. In academic activities and international conferences, it is used. English is popular in our living, studying and working, it becomes tool for us to communicate with world. Adult plays an important part in social practice and international affairs, so his English skill affects communication more or less. To carry out the research on the adult English learning strategies has theoretical and practical meaningThe research realized adult’s English learning strategy problems through investigations and conversations, then concluded the main problems about present adult’s English learning strategy. The researcher chose three adults as study cases from a teaching class, according to the representative problems mentioned above. The researcher went deep into research through analysing the cases’ individual puzzles, then, with the guidance of some relevant theories, the researcher implemented instructions. The researcher got feedback from observing the cases’ behaviors and the conversations between the researcher and adult English learners, and adjusted and optimized her instructions timely. The research aimed to discover the Englih learning strategies that suit to adult’s physical and psychological characteristics, and make some rational suggestions to adult English teaching practice.

【关键词】 成人英语学习策略
【Key words】 AdultEnglishLearning Strategy
  • 【分类号】H319
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】448

