

【作者】 王奕

【导师】 倪延年;

【作者基本信息】 南京师范大学 , 传播学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 随着时代的发展,“儿童具有独立的人格和独立的存在价值”的观点越来越被国际社会所认同。有关儿童问题的研究在各大高校和专业机构中开展,各国政府也出台了相应的政策法规,保护儿童的基本权益不受侵犯。遗憾的是,人类社会有关儿童的观念刚确立不久,就遇到了挑战——许多专家认为“童年”正因电子媒介的使用而消逝。电子媒介对儿童究竟产生什么样的影响?童年是否就此消逝?应该如何捍卫童年?这些问题引起了世界范围的讨论。本文从“童年”的概念说起,结合我国儿童的生存现状,阐明了重视儿童媒介权利的必要性。一方面,我国儿童的地位还不是很高,需要国家通过各种方式保证儿童的主体地位受到尊重;另一方面,鉴于电子媒体对儿童的影响力,要确保儿童和电子媒体之间形成良性互动。基于以上论述,本文考察了我国儿童使用媒介的情况,目的在于为儿童建设一个健康良好的媒体环境。文章梳理了我国电视工作者自建国以来在儿童电视方面做出的努力,从媒体接近权、知情权和表达权三个方面,对工作成绩做出客观评价,得出我国儿童使用媒介的权利已初步实现的结论。但是深究儿童使用媒介权利的实现程度,我国儿童电视还存在很多问题。通过对现存问题的分析,笔者认为,要发展儿童电视,一个关键环节就是办好少儿频道,让少儿频道走向市场。此外,政府还必须完善和儿童电视相关的法律规定并且加强对儿童进行媒介素养教育。这样,儿童使用媒介的权利才能真正得到满足。

【Abstract】 With the development of the society, the idea that children have independent personality and values are accepted by more people in the world. Research on children problems are organized by Universities and specialized organizations, many countries carried out policy and laws to protect children. However, the idea of children hasn’t been accept for a long time, another challenge come across, that is childhood is extinguishing because of the utilization of electronic media. What result would electronic media bring to children’s life? Could childhood extinguish? How to protect childhood? These questions are discussed in the world scope.This essay starts from the conception of childhood. Then it states the necessity of protecting children’s media rights on the basis of describing the living condition of Chinese children. In China, children’s social states is still ranking in a low level so that protecting children’s right is the most urgent problem for the country. Then considering the influence of electronic media, the government should make efforts to protect the children. To build a healthy media environment for the children, this essay research on the condition how media is used.This essay summarize the efforts that TV workers made the children’s TV since 1949.Then it objectively evaluates the achievements from three different aspects that is the rights to access the media, the rights to know and the rights the express. In conclusion, the essay states that rights of using media for the children has been realized. However, there are still some problems in children’s TV, if the children’s TV should be developed, the vital point is to develop the children’s channel. In addition, government must bring out policy and laws and carry on media education. By doing that rights of using media for the children can be satisfied.

  • 【分类号】G229.2
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】564

