

【作者】 周佩

【导师】 刘俊;

【作者基本信息】 南京师范大学 , 诉讼法学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 近几年来,随着我国法治进程的加快和公民权利意识的增强,全国各地出现了不少学生状告母校的高校学生管理纠纷案件。但是,因为缺少明确的成文法规范,全国各法院就如何审理此类纠纷的做法不尽一致,出现了在一国司法空间内对学生诉权保护极不平衡的局面。司法实践中对于高校学生管理纠纷不尽一致的处理方法实质上反映了理论对于下列问题的不同见解:(1)高校能否成为行政诉讼的适格被告;(2)司法介入高校学生管理纠纷的范围;(3)司法对高校学生管理纠纷介入的程序规则和审查方式。本文认为,一些法院将高校视为“法律、法规授权的组织”这类行政被告的现行做法,面临着不少理论障碍和现实困境,其只是一种用政治上的正当性代替法律上的合法性的权宜之计。本文主张引入“非政府公共组织”这一理论模型,将包括公立和民办高等学校在内的所有行使公共管理职能的非政府组织纳入行政主体和行政被告范畴。在审理过程中,应当遵循“重要性理论”这一宏观原则,以学生的合法权益是否受到根本损害为标准,合理界定可诉事项。同时鉴于此类纠纷的特殊性,应当从程序和实体两方面确立高校学生管理纠纷案件的特别审理规则。

【Abstract】 In recent years, with the rapid development of our country’s Modernization in law and the rights awareness of the people, the disputes of educational administration to students by university has been emerged. However, because of the lack of rules on such disputes, different courts heard them in different ways. As a matter of fact, this phenomena reflect the argument in these three main issues: (1) the defendant qualification of university in Administrative Litigation ; (2)the proper field of judicial power to intervene in the Administrative Litigation concerning such disputes;(3)the judicial special rules on such disputes.In the author’s opinion, it is only an expedient to refer university as "the organization authorized by law", which has contradictories in theory and practice. However, on the basis of the theory of "Non-Governmental Public Organization", all the Non-Governmental organizations that undertake the duty of public management, including universities owned by public and private, should have the qualification as defendant in Administrative Litigation. It is appropriate for judicial power to intervene in the Administrative Litigation concerning universities with help of the "importance theory". In addition, the judicial special rules on such disputes should be built up from proceeding and substance aspects.

  • 【分类号】D925.3;D922.16
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】196

