

【作者】 殷盈

【导师】 王建华;

【作者基本信息】 南京师范大学 , 马克思主义理论与思想政治教育, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 民族精神是一个民族赖以生存和发展的精神支柱。在全球化背景下,面对世界各种思想文化的相互激荡,大力弘扬和培育民族精神更有其特殊重要的意义。旅游业是弘扬和培育民族精神的有效载体之一。旅游业既是一个经济产业,也是一项社会文化事业。它通过组织和引导人们游览祖国山河、参观历史遗迹、瞻仰革命圣地、体验民族风情,可以使人们在潜移默化中受到中华民族精神的感染和熏染。随着社会经济的发展和人们生活水平的提高,旅游业日益兴旺,它在民族精神培育方面的功能也将日益突出。因此,深入研究旅游业在民族精神培育方面的功能,有着重要的理论意义和应用价值。本文首先从旅游资源和旅游功能两个角度对旅游业在民族精神培育方面的功能作了一般的理论分析,说明了旅游资源是民族精神的重要载体,培育民族精神是旅游业的重要功能。然后,在总结和概括大量材料的基础上,具体阐述了旅游业在培育民族精神方面的主要功能,即旅游业是激发爱国情怀的重要路径、宣传民族文化的窗口阵地、弘扬优秀传统的有效载体。接着分析了旅游业在民族精神培育方面的特点,主要是目标的隐含性与多样性、手段的时尚性与感染性、过程的愉悦性与享用性、效果的持久性。最后,就如何发挥旅游业在民族精神培育方面的功能提出了比较系统的对策建议,着重强调要更新旅游业经营理念,注重民族精神培育;深度开发旅游资源,凸显民族精神培育;发展多样化旅游,渗透民族精神培育;提高导游人员素质,做民族精神的传播者。

【Abstract】 The national spirit is a moral pillar on which a nation relies on for existing and developing. Facing the collision of various surging thoughts and cultures under the globalization background, it is of peculiar importance to develop and cultivate the national spirit by means of earnest efforts, among which the tourism is one of the most effective measures of carrying forward of the national spirit. Tourism industry is not only restricted within the economy domain, but more of a social and cultural enterprise. By guiding people to tour the scenic spots like mountains and rivers of the motherland, the historic remains, and the sacred places of the revolution, or even to experience the custom of one people, the Chinese nation spirit will exert a subtle influence and edification on the people gradually while silently. Further, with the rises of people’s living standard and social economy, tourism is flourishing progressively, and its impact on cultivating national spirit will also protrude. Therefore, an in-depth research into the functionality of the tourism is of both theory significance and practical value.This paper firstly gives a generic theory analysis on the functionality of the tourism from the aspects of touristy resources and functions, which illuminates that the touristy resources are the essential carrier of the national spirit, while that cultivating the people is a vital role played by the tourism. On the basis of summarizing and generalizing a large amount of text materials, the main functionality of the tourism upon the national spirit is elucidated concretely, that is, the tourism is a valuable approach of inspiring people’s patriotism, a window bastion of developing the national culture, as well as an effective carrier of the splendid tradition. Then, this paper proceeds to the analysis of the characteristic functions that the tourism possesses on the cultivation of the national spirit, which includes the implicity and diversity of the objectives, the fashion and emotionality of the resorts, the joviality and enjoyability of the processes, and the durability of the effects. Lastly, this paper brings forward systematic strategies and suggestions, which consists of renewing the business notion of the tourism industry to put more emphasis on the national spirit cultivation; thoroughly exploitation of the touristy resources to give more prominence to the education of the patriotism; popularizing more diverse tourism products; and improving the professional quality of the ciceroni to make them the propagators of the national spirit.

【关键词】 旅游业民族精神培育功能
【Key words】 TourismNational SpiritCultivateFunctionality
  • 【分类号】F592.3
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】149

