

Research on the General Education of the Teaching-research Universities

【作者】 王晓慧

【导师】 胡建华;

【作者基本信息】 南京师范大学 , 高等教育学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 中国古代一直有着重视通识教育精神的传统,这种传统一直延续到民国时期,但是到建国后,由于苏联模式的引进,通识教育彻底退出中国高等教育的舞台,专业教育扮演着一枝独秀的角色。直到改革开放以后,由于文化素质教育的全面实施,通识教育才日益引起人们的重视。通识教育是一种大学教育的理念。教育的实施需要通过课程来落实,通识教育也必须由通识教育课程来完成,这是一个由理想向现实转换的过程。因此通识教育要在大学教育中真正得以实现,不仅需要研究通识教育理念问题,还必须对通识教育课程进行探讨。本文就以南京师范大学和东华大学通识教育课程实施情况为案例,管中窥豹,以求能对中国教学研究型大学实施通识教育的情况有所把握。事物是处在整体联系之中,要想很好地把握事物的本质,还需要进行比较分析。本文从纵向(教学研究型大学与研究型大学)和横向(不同类的教学研究型大学)两个层面对教学研究型大学实施通识教育的情况进行了比较,通过这些比较,找到了教学研究型大学实施通识教育所存在的问题。然后在借鉴外国大学先进经验的基础上,对中国教学研究型大学实施通识教育提出一点思考。

【Abstract】 General education has always had great importance to ancient Chinese tradition; this tradition has extended to the Republic, but to the founding of the PRC, as a result of the Soviet Model introduction, general education completely removed from the stage of Chinese higher education, the professional education was acting the role which outshined others. After the reform and opening up, as a result of comprehensive implementation of the culture and quality education, general education brings to people’s attention day by day.General education is one of the ideals of university education. The implement of education depends on courses; general education is not an exception. This is a process of transformation from ideal to reality. So general education in university education is really to be achieved, it is necessary to study general education philosophy, and also need to explore education courses. This article takes the Nanjing normal university and Donghua university as cases, has a limited view of, in order to be able to knows the general education implementation situation in the teaching-research universities.Comparative analysis is a better way to grasp the essence of things. From vertical (teaching-research universities and research universities) and horizontal (different types of teaching-research universities), the paper compares two levels general education which carried out by the teaching-research universities. Through such comparisons, the author discovers some problems when the teaching-research universities implement general education. Then based on the advanced experience from foreign universities, the paper gives some thinking on the teaching-research universities how to implement general education.

  • 【分类号】G642.4
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】904

