

【作者】 朱剑虹

【导师】 石坚;

【作者基本信息】 南京师范大学 , 新闻学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 我国的新闻体制将媒体收编进了党国的体制,将他们定位成党的意识形态的承载者和宣扬者,所以,媒体就成了社会政治化最主要的载体。新闻媒体借助报道事实,发表重要言论,把那些持有不同或相同意见的人吸引到同一个方向,从而采取相同的态度。这种宣传体制在社会政治化过程中,发挥了极大的作用。但是,当媒介走向市场之后,新闻从业者感受到了源自市场竞争的呼唤,建立自己独立的专业人格的意识开始觉醒,这就使得专业理念与“宣传体制”的冲突浮出水面。典型报道是我国特有的新闻报道方式,是新闻宣传体制的典型代表,它的变化轨迹最直观的反映出宣传体制的变迁。所以本研究选择典型报道作为研究对象,来探讨新闻专业主义是怎样影响我国的新闻宣传体制,这种影响又将对我国的新闻宣传事业提供什么样的发展方向,以此来勾勒出新闻专业主义和党的宣传政策的博弈与共生之路。本研究在对典型报道在新世纪的发展变化作以概括总结后,将典型报道的发展置于专业主义的背景之下,勾勒出专业主义影响下的典型报道的变化过程,并针对其存在的问题,提出了具体的改进方向,对新时期媒体怎样在新闻报道中加强舆论引导,有一定的借鉴意义。在此基础上,笔者得出一个结论,在当代中国的语境下,宣传体制和专业主义的碰撞和结合,使得中国的媒体工作者有可能创造出一种不同于全球性范式的专业话语模式。这种模式将是一种更贴合中国实际,强调社会责任的新的专业理念。

【Abstract】 Chinese information system has incorporated media into party-state system, and it is bearer and propagator of ideology which established party’s position. So media became the most important carrier of social politisation. Reporting facts, delivering important speeches, draw support from news and media, guiding people who have different or similar opinion into same direction, thus adopting the same attitude. This kind of system proved to be very effective during the process of social politisation. However, after media stepped out towards market, news media eployees experienced the call coming from market competition, consciousness of establishing one’s own independent professional personality started to awaken, which caused that conflict between professional concept and "propaganda system" emerged on surface.Typical case report has characteristic Chinese way of reporting, it typically represents media and propaganda system; path of its change most perceivably reflects the change of propaganda system. Development directions provided by this kind of influence on Chinese media and propaganda institution have been used to draw the outline of symbiosis of news media professionalism and party’s propaganda policy. In this research, after generally summarizing development changes of typical case report in this century, development of typical case report will be put in background of professionalism, brief account of changing process of typical case report under professionalism influence will be given, as well as countering it’s existing problems, putting forward particular improvement orientation, which will have certain referential sense in terms of enhancing public opinion guidance in news report in new media era. On this basis, author reached one conclusion, collision and integrating of propaganda system and professionalism in context of modern China make it possible for Chinese media workers to create professional model unsimilar to global pattern. This model more fits Chinese reality, emphasizing new professional concept of social responsibility.

  • 【分类号】G212
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】359

