

A Critical Survey of the Poems by Cui Hao

【作者】 彭伟

【导师】 沈文凡;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 古代文学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 崔颢在盛唐诗人中具有独特的地位。他名位不显,存诗不多,但诗名很著。尤其是《黄鹤楼》一诗以其高超的艺术风范,为世所称。当今的崔颢研究现状与其在诗史上的地位不相符合。没有研究专著出版,而单篇论文具有总论性质的寥寥。本文试对崔颢研究作一回顾和整理,在此基础上冀有发见。全文分为三个部分:第一部分是崔颢的生平与创作概说。主要是参照前人的研究成果,对崔颢生平和作品的考订,作一概观性的描述,而有所取舍。第二个部分是崔颢诗歌艺术论。按照其诗歌的几个大的类别,女性题材诗歌、山水纪游诗以及边塞诗,分别加以论述。对每一类的艺术风格多所涉及。以上为一编。第三个部分是崔颢《黄鹤楼》诗的接受影响研究。这个部分独立性较强,单成一编。主要就《黄鹤楼》诗在历代的接受史作一梳理,着重论述在其接受史上最为突出的崔(颢)、李(白)竞诗公案。其中也借鉴了西方文论的观点,但不作为框架。

【Abstract】 Cui Hao was an important poet in Kaiyuan and Tianbao period of Tang Dynasty. Despite of his few poems—only 41—he has won high praise from generation to generation.“Yellow Crane Tower”, Cui Hao’s most well-known poem, has been considered to be the NO.1 seven syllable regulated verse among the poems in Tang Dynasty. Both of Cui Hao’s personality and poems are worth discussing, hence he has a unique status in the poetic history. However, the research on Cui Hao presently is obviously not enough. In the foundation where the predecessors has studied, this thesis tries to discuss his biography, creation, poetry art, as well as the history of the reception of the poem“Yellow Crane Tower”.The part“Introduction”briefly introduces the writing origin and the related theory background.The main text has three chapters.Chapter One is“Study of Cui Hao’s Biography and Creation”. Cui Hao’s whole life can be divided into several periods: the year of birth and the year of death, periods before and after Kaiyuan 11 in which year he became the successful candidate in the highest imperial examinations, traveling to southeast China, as a consultant in the mu-fu of hedong army, his last years between Tianbao period. Cui Hao’s prose creation was closely related to his biography. In every different period of his life, his poems had different themes and styles. For example, his poems about the scenery in his southeast-travelling period, as well as his poems of frontier fortress in his army period. Because of limited material, there is some doubt about Cui Hao’s story. This thesis may give out a clue but not a conclusion.Chapter Two is“Cui Hao Poesy’s Art Characteristic”, which mainly elaborates Cui Hao Poesy’s contents, metrics, styles, and so on. This part includes 4 segments: the poetic world background in Kaiyuan、Tianbao period of Tang Dynasty, Cui Hao’s poems describing women, the scenery and frontier fortress. On the whole, Cui Hao’s poems show a vigorous overall appearance, while embodying diverse styles in different poems.Chapter Three is“History of the Reception of the Yellow Crane Tower”. Since the event that Li Bai competed with Cui Hao by the poem“Ascending the Phoenix Gloriette”is the most typical phenomena of reception in Chinese classic literature, in this chapter, the author tries to utilize Harold Broome’s theory“The Anxiety of Influence”to analysis this event. This chapter has 3 segments: First, a perusal of the poem“Yellow Crane Tower”. Second, clearing several premises to compare and appraise Cui Hao and Li Bai’s two poems, and then concentrating on a analysis of this phenomena of reception by the theory“The Anxiety of Influence”. Third, a briefly discuss on the history of reception of“Yellow Crane Tower”in the Chinese classic literature.The“Final conclusion”summarizes the success and failure of this thesis.

【关键词】 崔颢诗歌《黄鹤楼》接受史
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 04期
  • 【分类号】I207.22
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】422

