

Study of the Ecological Security Evaluation and the Target System in Jilin Province

【作者】 茹冬

【导师】 景跃军;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 人口、资源与环境经济学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 生态安全是指人类的生存和发展所处的环境不受或少受因生态失衡而导致的破坏或威胁,是国家安全和社会稳定的重要组成部分。我国生态环境基础比较脆弱,这将危及我们的可持续发展和社会稳定。因此,在我国开展“生态安全”研究具有重要的理论及现实意义。本文在国内外生态安全理论研究及实践的基础上,从土地、水资源、大气资源、生物物种等几个方面介绍了吉林省的现状,并利用较为客观的P-S-R模型,建立了吉林省生态安全评价指标体系,计算了2002-2005年吉林省生态安全综合指数,并由此评价吉林省这阶段份的生态安全质量。据此结果提出改善吉林省生态安全的建议。关于生态安全研究理论已有很多,本文的创新之处在于本人采用最新的统计数据对吉林省现阶段的生态安全进行计算,结果表明,2005年吉林省生态安全总体上处于不安全的水平,而且,吉林省经济的相对落后影响了吉林省生态安全,这就提醒我们只有大力发展经济,才能在未来实现吉林省的生态安全。

【Abstract】 The serious problems about population, resource, environment and sustainable development have led to concern of the whole world. With the concern, the research of ecological security has begun. One of the important aspects in carrying out the scientific development view is to realize the coordination development of economy and ecological security. Ecological security, which is composed of natural entity, social entity and the building takes the person as the center. It is not only a place for the industrial layout, but also the inhabitant’s life space. It is important not only because it is relate to the quality of the city’s sustainable development. But the quality of the life of the residents.According to the definition of ecological security, the different years of one region can be chosen to consult and calculate ecological security. So we can contrast to ecological security of one region in different years and obtain the index of every year of the ecological security. In addition, though calculating ecological security, we can see the changes during the years, such as whether the index has got upper or lower.One of the important contents of a city’s sustainable development is to achieve the coordinated development between economic and ecological security. Coordination of the two systems can directly affect their own development. First, ecological security is the human’s living condition and the basic place for the city’s economy. And also it is an important indicator of the people’s material and cultural lives. In addition, economic development could serve as the prerequisite and basis for the development of ecological security. It can directly affect the city’s overall economic strength to the cities, such as education, culture, science and technology, investment and transport, post and telecommunications, building roads and other infrastructure, etc. This shows that the coordinated development of both is essentialThough the research about the coordination between economy and ecological security in Jilin province,this paper finds out the flaws of ecological security in Jilin province, and puts forward resolving methods which has important sense to realizing sustainable development of Jilin province and improving the people’s living level.Nowadays, the research of ecological security concentrates on the index system only. The researches of the coordination between economy and ecological security are fewer and in Jilin province city, this kind of researches are fewest. This paper uses systematic data and carries out qualitative analysis and specific quantitative analysis to calculating results. From that analysis, the author obtains her own conclusion.The main methods in this paper include principal component analysis and the degree of fuzzy math, which are used to calculate weights and seek the coordination degree. During the calculations of the composite index for ecological security, this paper has used the much popular method of the current academic, which is when establishing the indexes system, using various targets selected at different levels. When making quantitative calculating to the level of the two system’s coordinationg, this paper has established indicators for the economy in the same way, and used the similar method for calculating the composite index of economic system. Though the composite index comparison of the two systems, this paper has analyzed the problems that existed in Jilin province city’s ecological security and then make up the corresponding countermeasuresThis paper includes five parts. Part one is theory foundation of research. It defines what is ecological security, the classification of it and gives the calculation method; the second part is the quantitative calculation of the ecological security in Jilin province city. Then analyze and evaluate the results; the third part is the research of the coordination between ecological security and economy in Jilin province, which includes qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis. Through the coordination index, the coordination of the two systems is drawn; Part four presents the difficulties which ecological security of Jilin province are facing. Last part puts forward resolving methods.The results show that in the period 2005 in Jilin province, ecological security target is 0.4517. belongs to unsecurical condition To respond to ecological environment is important for ecological security in Jilin province.The target of ecological environment condition is lower,so,we have to pay much attention to the development of ecological security.

【关键词】 吉林省生态安全P-S-R模型
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 04期
  • 【分类号】X826
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】448

