

Researches on the Problems of the Development of Changbai Mountain Ecological Tourism

【作者】 彭晓东

【导师】 赵静杰;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 工商管理, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 生态旅游的产生于20世纪70年代第一次世界环境运动。从出现到现在,虽然只有短短几十年的时间,但却成为世界范围内最热的旅游活动之一。长白山地处欧亚大陆东端,有天池、瀑布、大峡谷、林海等多处独特的景观更有丰富的动植物资源,是我国最大的国家级自然保护区之一,也是生态系统保持最完整的原始森林地带。1980年长白山保护区被列为联合国教科文组织“人与生物圈”,成为世界自然保留地,因此,吸引大量中外游人和科技工作者前来观光旅游、科学考察。旅游业的迅速崛起,带动了当地经济的快速发展,但也出现了一系列的问题,如生态资源遭到破坏、游客人数不多、相关设施相对滞后、管理体制尚待成熟等诸多方面的问题,有些问题,如生态环境保护问题是刻不容缓的事情。本文通过对长白山生态旅游现状分析,根据国外生态旅游发展情况,认为发展生态旅游是长白山旅游的必由之路。对于长白山资源必须以保护为主,在确保长白山资源不受破坏的前提下,大力开发生态旅游资源,不仅能带动地方经济,更重要的是可以弥补长白山保护经费不足的问题,从而更好的保护长白山资源。另一方面,好的自然环境更能提高游客的环保意识,吸引更多游客,从而使长白山生态旅游和资源保护进入良性循环的轨道。

【Abstract】 Ecological tourism starts at 1960s or 1970s.Nowadays, ecotourism has been the tide of tourism development of the world. This is responsible for environment. It can realize the harmonious development among economy society and environment, and brings the maximum composite benefits. It is the best mode to realize the sustainable tourism.Our country is a country abundant in ecological tourism resources. But compare with mature ecological tourism of developed country, our country’s ecological tourism is still at primary stage. However with frequent development of the tourist activity and improper exploitation of ecological tourism resources, our country has already had a lot of ecological tourism resources to begin to degradation, and the environment of ecological tourism site suffers the pollution in various degree too. Changbai Mountain as a famous travel industry site of our country also faces this kind of question, government and academe have already had cognizance of it is the necessary model that develop Changbai mountain tourism. But at present situation Changbai Mountain` ecological tourism is not fit for its station. And that Changbai ecological tourism emerges a series of problems are demand to solve.Based on this background, based on the theory of ecological tourism, and wide collection of relevant data at home and abroad as well as systematic analysis and study of the predecessor achievement, based on the Changbai Mountain situation, the Changbai Mountain ecological tourism of ecotourism is presented in this paper. The scientific planning and management of the ecotourism development make be sustainable, harmony, healthy development. Moreover, ecotourism, so that perfect benefit of economy, society, ecology and tourism can be acquired. Changbai Mountain Zone is an area, which has rich and colorful ecotourism resources with outstanding characteristics and potential superiority. More developing Changbai Mountain ecological tourism can improve protecting circumstance education of the tourist, accelerate local economy development, increase the government incoming and protect Changbai Mountain ecological tourism resources.The paper start at ecological tourism, then expound ecological tourism definition, develop process and develop situation at home and abroad and point out stage of our country, systematic analysis and study Changbai resource, point out existing problems. such as ecological problem caused by ecological tourism resources exploitation, absonant development among each tourism site of Changbai Mountain, lagged tourism basic establishment, not enough tourism drumbeating and so on. Based on strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats analysis, plan the developing direction of Changbai Mountain. In ten years or more time Changbai Mountain will become our country famous tourism site and the most important travel zone in northeast Asia. At last study of protecting Changbai Mountain, and put measure to protect Changbai Mountain. At the end of the paper bring forward the advice to Changbai Mountain travel development.

【关键词】 生态旅游长白山发展现状
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 05期
  • 【分类号】F592.7
  • 【被引频次】9
  • 【下载频次】1031

