

The Study of Influence on Affective Factors from the Perspective of Relevance Theory

【作者】 王效梅

【导师】 崔敏;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 外国语言学及应用语言学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 情感指学习者在学习过程中的感情、感觉、情绪、态度等,并将直接影响到他们的学习行为和结果。情感与认知相辅相成—如果缺乏积极因素,其认知能力将大打折扣。本文以学习者为中心,探讨了情感因素在第二语言学习中的重要作用。第二语言习得理论的研究始于二十世纪六十年代末。美国语言学家克拉申在七十年代提出了“语言习得理论”;在语言输入理论中,克拉申把它表述为“i+ I”,即语言学习者是从已知的语言知识i,通过语言输入,才达到“i+ I”的水平。语言内在习得大纲理论认为,学习者的语言习得是一个渐进的动态过程。语言习得的效果受学习者的智力因素、个性差异、学习动机和兴趣等因素的影响。以学生为中心的教学模式强调彰显学生个性,尊重学生,关心学生的价值、创造性和自我实现。在心理学领域,马斯洛的需要层次论认为动机是驱使人从事各项活动的内部原因;罗杰斯认为积极的情感因素足以产生巨大的效果;奥苏贝尔提出的六种需求或欲望是所有需求中最本质的,与二语习得密不可分。从心理语言学角度来看,舒曼的文化适应模式强调学习者对目的语文化应持有积极的态度;贾尔斯的适应理论认为动机是获取第二语言习得能力的决定性因素;克拉申的情感过滤假说指出,消除学习者的情感障碍是关键因素;塞林格的中介语理论解释了语言僵化的现象。而分析学生的情感因素如何在关联认知过程中发挥作用,则有助于提高语言学习效果,并且是促进人的发展的一个重要方面。在关联认知的理论背景下分析情感因素,能从一定的高度、深度、普遍性探讨影响学习潜力发挥的诸多因素—学习者的个人问题和学习者之间或与教师之间的情感因素等。作为心理学的概念,语境是一种心理建构,是听者对整个世界的设想或诠释。语境指的是认知环境,包括多种外部因素,也强调诸因素在诠释过程中对人的启示和信息。同等条件下,语境效果越大,关联性就越强。个人努力与关联性之间成反比—即:理解话语时无需付出太多努力,话语则具有最大关联性。认知环境和交际主体之间的互明对在语言习得和使用过程中出现的语际语言现象,具有较强的解释力,有助于说明学者在二语听、说、读、理解过程中遇到的问题。作为学习主体,学生应懂得科学的学习方法及策略,或在教师的引导下,发挥主观能动性,提高学习效率。焦虑是语言学习过程中的双刃剑,正确对待,就能使学习事半功倍;反之亦然。及时采取有效引导后,正面效果的焦虑会激发学习者所有潜力,力争以最小的努力获得最大的关联认知,从而促进学习。在自我界定的过程中,由于语言及语言学习的复杂性,对模糊现象的容忍显得十分必要,能有助于学生潜移默化中提高学习效率。从集体的角度分析学习氛围和班机活力对提升自信心和认知能力的重要性。合作程度和个人参与能力,课堂交流的质量和数量,良性的竞争秩序,班级凝聚力及氛围等因素对学习效果有很大影响。培养班级活力能为学习活动创造条件,而建立牢固的班级情感基础是学习成功的长远保证。教师在语言教学中负有启发和引导的责任,缩短师生间的心理差距,创造适宜的学习文化,安全的学习氛围,根据学生的需要和情感指导教学。整个教学过程中,尊重、信任学生,尊重他们的班组关系,尊重他们自发的创造性,并落实于学生的活动中。综上所述,第二语言学习者的情感因素在目的语习得过程中占有举足轻重的地位。强劲的动力和自信心能够使学习者增加时间和精力的投入;对目的语及其文化持正确的态度;并加强他们接触目的语人群和融入其社会的热情。本文旨在探讨行之有效的方案,促进学习者学习和人际交往能力方面的双丰收。

【Abstract】 Interest in affective factors is not fresh now, which gained importance with the development of humanistic psychology in the 1960s, with the stress of the need to unite the cognitive and affective domains in order to educate the whole person. The term affect has to do with aspects of our emotional being (the changes in body state in response to a positive or negative situation) and feelings (perceptions of these changes). In the present context, affect will be considered broadly as aspects of emotions, feelings, moods and attitudes which condition behavior and influence language learning. Exploring the individual differences will be far from enough to reform the English teaching in universities. It is argued that affect can adjust the individual’s behavior, because it performs not only on the increasing and reducing efficiency, but on the behavior’s changing trend. Hence, the positive affect will inevitably promote one’s learning activity.The study of affect on the basis of relevant ability in second language acquisition may actually help improve students’language learning as well as the all-round development. With Relevant Theory as the theoretical background, the issue of affect will be explored profoundly to discuss the related factors, such as the problems from the learners or that from learners and teachers. Relevance can be considered as a property of utterance, thinking, memory, behavior, sound and smell in the process from input to cognition. Humans find thinking worth the effort in processing the information. Cognitive processes are geared to achieve the greatest possible cognitive effect with the smallest possible processing effort. Therefore, individuals must focus on what seems to be the most relevant information available. The notion of contextual effect is essential to the characterization of relevance. Furthermore, having contextual effects is a necessary condition for relevance, and other things being equal, the greater the contextual effects, the greater the relevance. As a psychological concept, context refers to the psychological construct—the assumptions of the hearer about the whole world, including all the possible external elements, along with the information and implications for the learner. Mutual manifestness between the cognitive environment and individuals enables the learners to cope with the problems skillfully while listening, speaking, reading and writing.This thesis is supposed to investigate the influence of affect on the acquisition of the target language and to explore the effective approaches to enhance the learning and teaching efficiencies in classrooms as well as to come up with the implications for the development of learners’language acquisition and communicative ability.Here, the major concern is the role of language teaching in classroom. It is proved that proper teaching methods do play an active role in this process, with its contribution to a successful classroom practice and satisfactory results. Teaching should be constantly dynamic in order to improve the teaching effect and help students to find out the fundamental elements in an overall and profound manner, even to have access to the artistic conception according to the needs of teaching. Since proximity and appropriacy should be taken into consideration, teachers tend to reflect on the fact that how close they want to be to the students they are working with and create an extremely favorable atmosphere, where the learners, with the increasing development of relevant cognitive ability, will be rewarded mentally and physically.Being aware of the significance of language teaching can contribute to students’independent language acquisition as well as the harmony and adaptability of classroom practice and the reform of China’s College English Teaching. Hence, it is high time that immediate actions were taken to enhance students’command of language so that they are supposed to work their way in the future.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 04期
  • 【分类号】H319.3
  • 【下载频次】219

