

Study on the Construction of Effective Motivation Mechanism in ZD Group

【作者】 徐尚

【导师】 马克立;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 工商管理, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 本文首先是理论部分,对激励的含义进行了解释,然后综合阐述了几种常见的激励理论。(包括需要层次理论、ERG理论、双因素理论、期望理论、公平理论等),并对这些理论加以分析和评论;接着界定了激励机制的内涵及内容体系等,并通过对激励机制理论的阐述和分析,得出对我国民营企业建立激励机制的启示。接着论文通过对zd集团的人力资源及激励机制现状的介绍,总结出存在的问题,并且运用激励的诸多理论对这些问题进行了剖析,对影响企业发展的员工激励问题作了深入浅出的阐述。论文还依据激励和激励理论对ZD集团的激励机制进行了重构。本文运用了定性、定量和实证分析的方法,并在此基础上提出了有针对性的激励机制思路、方法和具体措施。具体为:建立科学系统的激励机制;全方位地实现薪酬体系的公平性;建立完善的绩效考核体系;多种非薪酬激励措施作为激励的重要补充等。更重要之处在于本文提出了科学有效的激励机制的构建研究是一项系统的工程,它不是几个激励措施的简单叠加,是各个激励政策相互影响,相互良性作用的结果。因此必须抓住激励的两个焦点问题,将绩效与薪酬对接进行高杠杆聚焦整合,同时结合企业的实际情况,制定和实施一系列配套的政策,才能实现激励机制的有效性。在文章的最后,结合全文研究和对该课题的把握,提出论文研究的结论及对其他民营企业的启示。

【Abstract】 In this knowledge economy time, competition between enterprises has not only rested on the competition in such aspects as products and technology, but manifested,more directly, in the competition between the employees. It is the quantity and competitiveness of the competent staff that dominates the development of an enterprise. It has been widely recognized that, in the final analysis, the enterprise competition in the 21st Century comes down to the competition in human resource. Successful enterprise managers have all realized from their practice that the only way for developing is to hold all staff together, to motivate them to work fervidly, to develop their internal potentiality, to combine their own wisdom, capability and requirement with the objective of the enterprise development closely so as to work hard, to create and to innovate. For this reason, successful enterprises have all attached great importance to the motivation of their staff’s enthusiasm and creativity, and have expended more time and energy in motivating the staff’s potentiality and also have regarded the motivation as a magic weapon for keeping the enterprise to develop without ceasing.In this article, certain issues of staff motivation are going to be studied base on a case in which the circumstance of human resource management is typical among private enterprises.Part one is a part for theory introduction and analysis. After explaining the signification of motivation, several familiar motivation theories (such as hierarchy of need theory, ERG theory, two factor theory, the expectancy theory and equity theory, etc.) are expounded and, at the same time, relevant analysis and comments are given on these theories. Finally, enlightenment about the construction of motivation mechanism in the private enterprise of China is provided based on restricting the intention of motivation mechanism and its system, and also on the expounding and analyzing of the motivation mechanism theory.In Part two, based on the introduction to the existing human resource management and motivation mechanism in ZD group, certain problems is put forward. Then, utilizing relevant theory of motivation, analysis on these problems is given. Certain profound concepts concerning staff motivation that greatly affects the development of enterprise have been expounded in a simple way.In Part three, the existing motivation mechanism in ZD Group is reconstructed in accordance with the relevant theory of motivation. General idea and principle of the motivation mechanism with certain concrete steps are put forward based on the two vital points of strategy motivation that have been seized. Consequently, we must focusing on conforming the Salary Policy to Performance Policy ,a proper and effective motivation mechanism is instituted finally.At the end of this article, enlightenment provided by the motivation mechanism in ZD Group for other private enterprises is pointed out with analyzing, which aims to provide an effective and valuable mode of staff motivation management for ZD Group itself and for other private enterprises with similar developing situation as ZD Group, and to promote these enterprises to develop harmoniously, healthily and stably.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 03期
  • 【分类号】F272
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】273

