

Female-Gender-Motherhood Gender: Awareness of Zhang Jie’s Novel "No Word"

【作者】 贺佳

【导师】 张福贵;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 本文主要论述了张洁的小说《无字》三部曲中的性别意识。这部作品中的女性意识是非常突出的。本文试图从作品中的女性形象研究出发,通过分析四代女性和其他女性的悲剧命运来探讨张洁的女性意识的变化。《无字》三部曲同时表现了作家对两性意识的探寻。作家张洁不仅从社会历史的角度深入分析了男性对女性不公平对待的客观原因,更用一些正面的男性形象对两性关系做了补充,既没有附会男性话语,也摆脱了十足女子气的不足,从而上升到两性和谐作为写作主旨的高度。另外本文从作品中几位主要女性的血缘关系出发,通过对母女之间的情感依赖关系分析了母女共生固恋的母性意识的根源。

【Abstract】 This paper analyzes the Zhang Jie’s trilogy of novels "no word" gender awareness. First, the authors demonstrated that the work of women’s consciousness. Based on the works of women starting their own image. Through four generations of women and analysis of the tragic fate of the other women come to the following conclusions : 1. It is the first generation of women to the plight of the Mexican Council for several thousand years of feudal society in China’s criticism of the feudal marriage, The father of the feudal, patriarchal criticism. 2.the second generation of women suffering the fate of Qiyelian son of a traditional Chinese woman writer is to write faithful and unyielding tenacity. liberal praise. Is awakening to women, since the dispute does not regret. For more traditional social values, against the feudal system. Wu is the author of three women by the third generation with his soul in the shape of female figures in the profound sense of thought. 4.the fourth generation of women Zen, Feng Dan women with a sense of independence, the authors also reflected hope. 5. "no word" image of the other women, the feminine consciousness more complete and distinct entries. Secondly that the author’s performance "no word" gender awareness. In this paper analyzes the works of some major tragedies Love society women, men, Analysis of the works of several positive male image analysis of the tragic fate of the women, the women themselves, Writers not only come to the following conclusions : social history from the perspective of a male-depth analysis of the objective reasons women are treated unfairly, some of the more positive male image of the helpless men choose to give added that the breadth of such a rational detachment. Writing beyond the authors demonstrated both the conflict and confrontation, neither male discourse, but also from a woman gas Instead, the thrust of gender harmony as writing. From the universe, the human perspective the authors write magnificent display of gender awareness. This dedication to the completion of the "no word" on the natural expression of writers, the state of the art life in pursuit of the mind, great understanding of gender awareness, and the pursuit of the harmonious relationship between the sexes. . Finally works display is the author’s sense of motherhood solid yearning for the mother’s death. In this paper, several of the main works from the women’s blood, By the year on the emotional relationship between mother and daughter come to the following conclusions : Dutch and Mexican Qiyelian son. Miss Qiyelian son to come together with the suffering of life, the Mexican Council etched in MS. son’s life, Wu, also etched in Qiyelian for life, the disaster is not left to them point gap in the tightly compressed together, also very strong, what force, did not come, whether his wife, father, brother, friend……This is a strong yearning for the mother and symbiotic solid feeling.

【关键词】 女性两性母性性别意识悲剧命运
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 03期
  • 【分类号】I207.42
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】818

