

【作者】 卢建平

【导师】 吴晓;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2007, 硕士


【摘要】 石评梅在上世纪二十年代的北京文学界,有“京华女才子”的美称,但由于其生命短暂,创作时间不长,留世的作品并不是很多,因此,文学史中少见经传。从石评梅当时在文学上所取得的成绩看,短短五、六年的时间里,创作了三、四十万字的作品,其成就还是相当可观的。更重要的是其创作的诗歌、散文、小说等体裁的作品中多有不可多得的名篇。细读之下,我们不难发现,在石评梅的创作中有许多容易被人们忽视的特殊质素,这对进一步确定石评梅的创作在中国现代文学史上的重要地位是有着极大的意义的。以往,人们大多注意石评梅的散文创作,而对其诗歌的研究及解读不多。本文首先通过石评梅诗歌创作中隐隐约约的现代主义特质,为石评梅诗歌在中国现代新诗发展史上的意义与作用予以实事求是的定位,主要是阐明石评梅的诗歌在五四新诗从白话诗向现代诗嬗变的过程中的桥梁与过渡作用;其次通过对石评梅具体诗歌文本的解读,触摸石评梅蕴含于其诗歌作品中的大异于别人的孤独意识,正是这种独特的孤独意识,铸就了石评梅诗歌作品对生命、死亡、悲剧等现代意识的深层思考;再次,在此基础上集中探求石评梅诗歌的现代主义美学追求,阐明石评梅诗歌在现代主义诗歌的烛照之下对绚丽、生动、清妙风格的追求以及对中国传统古典诗词的传承与变异,以此揭示石评梅诗歌创作独特的美学价值;最后,通过论述石评梅诗歌受西方各种现代主义思潮主要是唯美主义、象征主义的影响,在文学思想与创作上,如受厨川白村《苦闷的象征》的影响,受俄国爱罗先珂诗学思想的影响,受到李大钊、鲁迅等革命导师生命哲学的影响等,以及通过与其至好朋友庐隐、陆晶清等人同时期作品的互读,把握她们在文学思想与创作上的相互渗透与影响等,探析石评梅诗歌的美学渊源,论述各种影响在石评梅这一独特个体中的反映,进一步强调石评梅诗歌的文学史意义。

【Abstract】 In the 1920s, Shi Pingmei was named as "Jinghua female talent" of Beijing literary circles. However, because of her short life and her short writing time, her works don’t remain much in the world and are rare in literary history. Shi Pingmei made the creation of about 400,000 word entries in just five or six years time, her achievements of the literature are substantial, to some extent. More importantly, of her works ,some poems, proses and novels are rarely renowned. After careful reading, it is not difficult to find some special quality in Shi Pingmei’s Creation which can be easily overlooked. Such quality is of tremendous significance to further affirm her creation position in modern Chinese literature history.Previously, most people paid attention to her proses, while the research and interpretation to her poetry is little. Firstly, in research of the modernism quality in her poetry creation, this thesis is to position her significance and role of her poems in the history of modern Chinese poetry development. And this thesis mainly states its role of transition and bridge in the evolution process from the May 4 vernacular poetry to the modern poetry; Secondly ,through interpreting to her poetry texts, this thesis is to touch the sense of loneliness of her poetry works which is different from others. And this unique sense of loneliness makes her poetry works deep thinking of the modern senses, such as life, death, tragedy; Thirdly, based on the above research, this thesis is to explore the modernism aesthetic pursuit of her poetry, and demonstrate her poetry to pursue the lively, sparkling style under the light of modern poetry, and the inheritance and pursuit of traditional Chinese classical poetry. Through this, it reveals the unique aesthetic value in her Poetry; Finally, through the commentary on the influence of the Western poetry-modern ideologies in her poetry, and literature and creative thinking, philosophy of life, this thesis is to grasp the infiltration and influence in literature thinking and literature creation. While this thesis is to explore the aesthetic roots of her poetry, discuss various impact reflecting in Shi Pingmei - this unique individual, and further stress the literary significance in her poetry.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 03期
  • 【分类号】I207.25
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】228

