

The Research of Protective and Monitoring Device Based on Embeded Ethernet for a Substation

【作者】 曹燕

【导师】 鲍远慧;

【作者基本信息】 合肥工业大学 , 控制理论与控制工程, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 变电站自动化技术是综合了计算机、微电子、现代通信和自动控制技术,是对传统变电站继电保护、通信方式的全面技术改造。随着变电站自动化技术的发展,传统的变电站继电保护装置由于保护功能单一而不能满足要求。同时,其传统的通信方式已难以达到变电站综合自动化系统对通信的实时性的要求。因此本文提出基于嵌入式以太网通信技术,保护功能和测控功能共享同一硬件平台的保护测控装置。本文设计的保护测控装置在硬件设计方面,采用飞利浦公司生产的32位ARM和高精度AD芯片为核心的硬件平台,以RTL8019AS为以太网控制器,完成与远程计算机的通信方案,增强了通信功能。在软件设计方面,以嵌入式操作系统μC/OS-Ⅱ为软件平台,采用全波傅氏算法来实现交流电量的计算,使装置具有较高的精度;采用精简的TCP/IP协议栈程序设计实现以太网通信。

【Abstract】 The automation of a substation is an integrated technology of microcomputer, micro-electronic, modern communication and auto-control technique, which realizes not only the fully-scale rebuilding of relaying but also the mode of communication for the traditional substation. With the development of technology for substation automation, the traditional relaying can’t satisfy the request because of the simple protecting function. At the same time, the traditional corresponding method is unable to meet the request for real-time of the substation. Therefore, this paper presents Ethernet technology and designs a common hardware platform to implement protecting and monitoring functions.On the ways of hardware design, this design platform of protecting and monitoring device is advanced, which is based on ARM and high accurate AD sampling chip. RTL8019AS is used as the Ethernet controller to achieve communication with long-distance computers, which buildup the function of communication. On the ways of software design, embedded operating systemμC/OS- II is used as the software platform. The application of the Fourier algorithm advances the computing accuracy and the application of the embedded tidy TCP/IP protocol stack realizes the communication on Ethernet.

  • 【分类号】TP273
  • 【被引频次】10
  • 【下载频次】251

