

The Integration of 3D Reconstruction System Based on Single Encoded Image

【作者】 范利勤

【导师】 金施群; 黄斌;

【作者基本信息】 合肥工业大学 , 精密仪器及机械, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 本论文主要针对机器视觉中彩色伪随机序列编码与灵活的预标定三维重构技术,研究了基于单幅编码图像的三维欧氏重构系统集成。将一个内外参数变化可调的CCD相机摄取带编码信息的三维场景的图像到最后实现三维欧氏重构集成到一起:先对CCD相机采集的编码图像进行必要的预处理,接着对其进行特征点检测与匹配,结合预先标定的LCD投影仪参数,利用层次化的三维欧氏重构理论,即可根据单幅图像恢复该三维场景的三维坐标数据、重构三维场景的三维形貌。所研究的内容主要包括以下三方面:在图像特征点检测与匹配方面,主要利用彩色伪随机序列编码三维场景特征化技术,根据编码设计的原理来确定特征点检测和匹配的方案。用LCD投影仪将彩色伪随机序列编码投射到三维场景表面,用CCD相机采集到图像,并对其进行必要的预处理,采用Harris角点检测方法提取编码特征点,然后利用伪随机序列编码的窗口特性,解决三维表面重构时匹配点识别难题;在三维重构的方法上,把彩色编码结构光投影仪作为一个逆向的相机予以考虑,使整个视觉系统就可以视为含有两个相机的典型的双目立体视觉系统,首先对相机的镜头畸变模型进行标定,保证后续投影仪预标定的准确性,但是在进行重构实验中相机的内外参数可以根据场景需要任意改变;在三维重构的算法上,采用层次化思想,在射影层次、仿射层次、尺度层次以及欧氏层次上建立视觉系统的成像模型,逐步实现三维重构,最终实现单幅图像的三维欧氏重构。

【Abstract】 This paper mainly focuses on the integration of 3D reconstruction system from single encoded image based on the multicolor code of pseudo-random array and flexible pre-calibrated 3D reconstruction technology, which integrates from an encoded image to 3D Euclidean reconstruction at last. It can recover the 3D data and reconstruct the 3D shape of scene by a LCD projector whose parameters need to be pre-calibrated and a CCD camera whose parameters are allowed to change with the varying scene.The integrated system mainly contains three parts as follows: The method of interest point detection and correspondence is decided by the multicolor code of pseudo-random array principle which made the 3D scene characterization. The multicolor code of pseudo-random array is projected to the surface of 3D scene. Then do some pre-process to the images captured by the CCD camera, and detect the interest point with the improved Harris corner detector. Each interest point on scene surface can be identified exclusively and the problem of interest point correspondence between images can be solved according to the window property of pseudo-random array. The vision system of 3D reconstruction is equal to typical stereo vision system because the projector is regarded as inverse camera, in which the lens distortion of camera must be pre-calibrated to guarantee the precision of projector pre-calibration, and the intrinsic and extrinsic parameters of camera can be modified according to the changing scene. The reconstruction algorithm is based on stratification idea. The imaging models of camera and projector are founded on four strata as Projective stratum, Affine stratum, Metric stratum and Euclidean stratum. At last, the idea of 3D Euclidean reconstruction of single image can be carried out.

  • 【分类号】TP391.41
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】205

