

【作者】 巩亮

【导师】 贺知明;

【作者基本信息】 电子科技大学 , 信号与信息处理, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 合成孔径雷达是一种新型的高分辨力雷达体制,具有全天候、全天时、远距离、高分辨力成像的工作能力,在军事和国民经济的许多领域有着重要的应用。获取高分辨力合成孔径雷达图像是当今合成孔径雷达发展的重要方向之一。弹载SAR作为合成孔径雷达一个新的分支,正逐渐被人们所重视和研究。本文主要研究了正侧条带式弹载SAR实时信号处理的软硬件实现。根据弹载SAR信号处理的特点,结合数字信号处理技术和并行处理技术,合作完成了系统的方案设计。将系统划分为三个模块,基于三片ADSP TS203和一片FPGA的数字信号处理板、实现了AD数据转换和1553B数据传输的数据接口板,以及用于上机测试时获取原始回波的PCI主机接口卡。在对系统数据流分析的基础上,本文详细介绍了弹载SAR实时信号处理系统控制与接口设计。最后经过实验室测试,满足了弹载SAR雷达系统的要求。本文完成的主要工作有:1.根据SAR成像的基本原理,合作完成了弹载SAR实时信号处理系统的方案设计,将系统划分为三个模块。2.整理出系统的数据流程,并以这些数据流程为基础,完成了弹载SAR实时信号处理系统控制和接口设计。3.独立完成了系统中信号处理板的FPGA程序、主机接口卡的FPGA设计、主机接口卡的驱动程序和主机接口卡的应用程序开发。4.在实验室搭建的测试平台上完成了弹载SAR实时信号处理系统的测试,取得了较好的效果。

【Abstract】 Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) is a kind of new imaging radar with high resolution. It could get high-resolution images under all weather, day and night and long distance conditions. So it is very important in military and civil applications. Currently, obtaining high resolution airborne SAR image is one of the most important development directions of SAR.As a new embranchment of the SAR, missile-borne SAR is taken much into account and research more and more. The realization of hardware and software of side looking stripmap missile-borne SAR is mainly studied in this dissertation. According to the characteristic of missile-borne signal processing and combining the technology of DSP and parallel processing, the system tragedy was accomplish cooperatively. The system was divided into three modules: digital signal processing board based on three chips of ADSP TS203 and one chip of FPGA, data interface board used for AD data converting and 1553B data transmission, and computer PCI interface card used for obtaining original echo when testing on computer. On the basis of analysis of system data flow, this dissertation introduces the design of control and interface of the real-time processing system of missile-borne SAR particularly. The real-time processing system of missile-borne SAR satisfies the requests of whole missile-borne radar system.The main work in this dissertation includes:1. According to the basic principle and signal processing of SAR imaging, accomplished the tragedy determination of missile-bome SAR real-time signal processing system which is divided into three modules.2. According to the data flow which is designed in this dissertation, the design of control and interface of missile-bome SAR real-time signal processing system is fulfilled.3. Acomplished the FPGA program in signal processing board and computer PCI interface borad independently.The driver and application of computer PCI interface borad were also completed independently. 4. Finished the test of missile-bome SAR real-time signal processing system in laboratory, it shows good performance.

【关键词】 弹载SAR实时信号处理DSPFPGA1553BPCI
【Key words】 Missile-borne SARReal-time signal processingDSPFPGA1553BPCI
  • 【分类号】TN958;TN957.5
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】267

