

【作者】 骆张强

【导师】 雷航;

【作者基本信息】 电子科技大学 , 计算机应用技术, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 随着视频信号处理器的发展,嵌入式视频监控系统的应用越来越广泛,对视频监控智能性的要求也变得越来越高。本文在深入研究Texas Instrument(TI)公司最新的Davinci技术后,针对家庭监控环境设计并实现了一种基于Davinci技术的智能监控系统的基础框架。主要研究内容涉及Davinci技术的硬件系统架构、软件系统架构及Linux下的应用程序开发等。嵌入式视频处理系统的运行方式通常为通用嵌入式处理器与数字信号处理器协同工作的模式。在Davinci技术推出以前,都采用分离式处理器构成视频监控系统,Davinci技术的硬件产品TMS320DM6446在一个芯片封装内集成了ARM嵌入式处理器内核与C64x+数字信号处理器内核,提高了系统集成度、降低了系统板级成本,双处理器的协同运作效率也有很大提高。本文在对需要实现系统的功能作出分析后,采用TMS320DM6446作为系统的核心处理器,并设计了智能家庭监控系统的硬件系统。主要工作涉及芯片选型、视频输入输出接口设计、DDR2动态存储器接口设计、Flash存储器接口设计、ATA硬盘接口设计、串行存储器接口设计、音频接口设计、以太网接口设计、USB接口设计、UART接口设计、外围控制接口设计及系统电源设计,本文还对系统的各个组成部分的功能及特点作了详细的介绍。系统充分应用TMS320DM6446的视频处理优势,具有处理速度快、板级成本较低、硬件上留有扩展接口等特点。本系统的软件部分在Davinci技术软件框架下进行开发,该框架结构可应用于各种类型的嵌入式操作系统中。Davinci技术软件框架对复杂性较高的算法部分进行了模块化,大大增强了算法与应用程序的独立性,使得算法部分具有了良好的可扩展性。基于对多种嵌入式操作系统的分析,采用MontaVista Linux作为本系统的操作系统。本文软件部分的工作为系统基础软件框架设计。本文对PAM可插拔认证模块、MiniGUI图形用户接口等作了简要的介绍,探讨了软件各个功能模块的实现方式,最后实现了具有基本监控录像功能的系统应用程序基础软件框架。该框架为智能判别算法模块留出了调用接口,将与智能判别算法功能相关的软件部分模块化,使软件系统具有良好的可扩展性。智能家庭监控系统的硬件设计正处在实现阶段,软件的基础部分已经能够正常运行于TI的Davinci视频开发评估板上,相关附属功能正处在完善阶段。

【Abstract】 With the development of video signal processor, embedded video monitoring system was used more and more widely, and the demand for intelligent video surveillance has become increasingly high. After studying the latest Davinci technology of Texas Instrument (TI), this thesis, aiming at the family environment, designs an intelligent video monitoring system. The thesis related to Davinci technology hardware architecture, software architecture and linux application design.Normally, embedded video monitoring system consist of a general purpose embedded processor and a digital signal processor. The davinci technology integrated an ARM core and a C64x+ DSP core into one sillicon; it improves the system integration, lowers the board level cost and improves dual-core coordination operation efficiency. This thesis uses davinci technology dual-core processor TMS320DM6446 as the main processor; the hardware system design involves video input and output interface design, DDR2 dynamic memory interface design, Flash Memory Interface Design, ATA hard disk interface, serial memory interface design, audio interface design, Ethernet interface, USB interface, UART interface, the external control interface design and power supply system design. In this paper, the various components of the hardware system’s functions and features are also introduced in detail.The software is developed under Davinci software framework which can be applied to kinds of embedded operating systems. The algorithm parts of Davinci software framework are highly modularized; greatly enhances the independence of the algorithm and application procedures. This paper analyzes the various embedded operating system, and finally decides to use MontaVista Linux as operating system. The software system design involves the basic software architecture design, the introduction of PAM and MiniGUI, the disgussion of various software functional modules, and finally implementing the basic function of a video monitoring system. It has left a software interface for algorithm modules, makes good system flexibility, and makes the algorithm design and experimental work easier.

  • 【分类号】TP277
  • 【被引频次】22
  • 【下载频次】854

