

【作者】 欧阳晗黎

【导师】 周明天;

【作者基本信息】 电子科技大学 , 计算机软件与理论, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 随着计算机技术的发展和网络的广泛应用,大多数企业都通过内部网络作为信息管理和数据传输的平台。内部网络在提高企业运行效率的同时,也为企业内部带来了安全隐患。研究表明,利用各类硬件设备存储工具从企业内部直接带走信息已经成为了信息流失的主要方式。因此,保障企业内部网络安全的当务之急就是控制硬件设备的使用。目前,国内外对于内部安全系统中硬件设备控制领域的研究,主要是针对光驱/刻录机、软驱、串/并口和USB口等设备。但是,多数都只是对以上设备在应用级进行简单的启禁或屏蔽,并存在控制粒度粗等尚需解决的问题。本文是作者在参与一个企业内部网络安全管理系统的研究和设计之后,对硬件设备控制所涉及的理论及技术进行的总结。该项目主要基于Windows系统平台实现一个内网安全管理系统,由客户端、服务器和控制台构成,实现泄密防护、文件安全服务、运行状态监控、系统资源管理等四个方面的安全保障。在该系统中,要实现对各种常用硬件设备的控制,必须基于Windows操作系统的驱动程序构架。其中,WDM驱动程序是即插即用外围设备所采用的驱动类型。因此,在本文的实践过程中,作者对WDM驱动程序的结构、原理和编程技术进行了深入的研究和实践,并综合运用了Windows DDK、Driver Studio等工具实现了所承担任务的研发工作。在此过程中,作者完成的主要工作为:1.实现了对几种设备的控制。不仅有简单的启/禁控制,更有单向传输、双向传输等多种控制方式,控制粒度细,极大地增强了系统的灵活性和可用性。2.实现了从驱动层对设备进行控制,代码运行在内核级,响应时间短。在论文的组织上,作者从研究背景到国内外的研究现状均进行了分析和总结。在此基础上,详细阐述了内部网络安全管理系统的设计方案以及各功能模块之间的关系与通信。随后对硬件设备控制模块进行了深入的解析,不仅分析了模块实现原理和关键例程,也给出了最终的相关测试数据。最后作者就论文的主要成果和存在的问题进行了总结,并提出了进一步完善的思路。

【Abstract】 As the rapid development of computer technology and the wide using of the networks, most enterprises use computers as the main tool for managing information and data. It makes the enterprises run more efficient but also bring in some security problems. So it’s important to raise the security level and to keep its convenience.So far, all the researches on this area are focus on CD/DVD-ROM+/-RW, floppy drive, COM/LPT and USB devices.But most of them can only simply forbid or shield those devices in users’mode, which lead to coarse control granularity.This dissertation is the author’s theory sum-up and improvement after joining in the development of an intranet security management subject which is based on Windows operating systems. It’s made up of clients, servers and control panels, and provides cipher protection, files security, state monitoring and system resource management.The system has to be based on Windows driver architecture, especially the WDM which is a kind of driver of PNP devices. So the author had a deep research on WDM architecture, theory and programming technology. and programmed the drivers with lots of tools such as Windows DDK, Driver Studio and so on.The following are the author’s mainly work during the research:1. Not only provides completely forbidding mode, but also the read-only and written-only mode. Can fit all kinds of users’demands.2. Control the devices in the kernel mode, takes little time to run. The whole dissertation is organized like this: analyzes the background and the research situation of this topic first. Demonstrates the design of the intranet security management system and how the modules communicate with one another. Then describes the implement of the whole hardware resources management system and gives the test data. At last the author gives the conclusion of the main results and the further work.

  • 【分类号】TP393.1
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】186

