

【作者】 傅劲

【导师】 陈华;

【作者基本信息】 电子科技大学 , 思想政治教育, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 随着互联网技术的不断发展,新事物层出不穷。基于互联网基础上的“傻瓜化的数字平台”博客的出现,以自身特有的方式迅速成为互联网最新的发展潮流。大学生是互联网使用的主力军,由于博客“自由、开放、共享”的精神符合大学生的心理预期及心理特征,成为大学生新的网络家园。博客像写日记一样,经常更新、不断积累、及时记录个人的思想和行为,将个性化的经验、知识积累、信息过滤和深度沟通推向一个新的境界,并且更注重在网络世界里体现个人的存在,张扬个人的社会价值。博客具有极强的开放性和包容性,这不仅体现在个性化的表达形式上,更重要的是每个人都可以依据自己的价值观发出自己的声音。大学生在使用博客过程中表现出一系列的思想行为特征,成为思想政治教育者不可回避的一个问题。本文以大学生博客为研究对象,以文献研究为基础,分析大学生博客网的内容,总结提炼出博客对大学生思想行为带来的积极和消极影响,并分析了博客对大学生思想行为造成负面影响的原因。最后提出了相应的教育对策。首先,就论文提出的背景,研究的意义,主要概念的界定作了说明,总结、归纳了博客所具有的技术、传播及文化特征。并对国内外的研究现状进行了综述。其次,根据中国互联网络信息中心所作的《2006年中国博客调查报告》,分析图表数据得出大学生是构成博客作者的主力军这一结论。在此基础上,对大学生博客的发展现状进行了分析,大学生博客网站主要分为三大类:综合性网站的大学生博客频道、博客专业网站中的教育频道和大学生博客专业网站。并以这三大类博客网站为研究背景,采用内容分析法,实时分析大学生博客动态,总结、归纳出大学生博客的动机主要有:记录与发表、宣泄与沟通、学习与娱乐。再次,大学生在使用博客的过程中,博客对大学生思想行为带来了双重影响,既有积极的一面,又有消极的一面。为此,笔者对博客影响大学生思想行为的原因、途径、机制作了较深入分析。最后,提出了大学生使用博客的教育对策:加强对受教育者的引导教育,充分发挥思想政治教育者教师博客的教育功能,建立对博客托管组织的监管机制,加快对博客传播的立法。

【Abstract】 With the development of internet, new things are emerging endlessly. On the basis of the network, Blog which is a kind of blockhead digital terrace, becomes the new trend of the network. University students are the major users of the network. Because it is freedom, open and share, which is accord with the psychological needs of the students, the Blog becomes students’new network homestead. Just like the dairy, Blog is renewed frequently and accumulated gradually. It also records one’s thoughts and actions promptly. It brings the individual experiencing, the knowledge accumulating, the information filtering and thoughtful communication to a new stage. It lays stress on the individuals and the realization of one’s values in net-work. It is open-ended and tolerant. This can be found in the unique ways in which Bloggers express themselves. Further more, everyone can express ideas freely in Blogs. The characteristics of their thoughts and behavior which display in the use of Blog become a question that the ideological and political instructors can’t neglect. The university Bloggers are the objective of this research. Based on relevant researches, it analyzes the content of the university students Blog networks and summarizes the positive and negative influence of Blog on university students . It also elaborates the reasons why Blog brings negative influence on university students. Finally, it puts forwards the educational guidance on the use of Blog.Firstly, this essay illustrates the background and the significance of this research and defines some relevant concepts. It also summarizes the characteristics of the Blog such as the characteristic of Blog technology, communication and culture,And it sums up the domestic and international researches of Blog .Secondly, according to the“2006 Chinese Blog Investigation Report”which is made by the China Internet Network Information Center, it gets the conclusion that University students are the major Blog users. It analyzes the recent development of Bloggers in universities. The Blog networks for university students can be divided into three categories : the University Students Blog Channal in integrated Networks, the Educational Channal in Blog Networks and the University Students Blog Networks. Based on the three Blog networks and with the method of content analysis, it analyzes the tendencies of Bloggers in universities and concludes that the motivations of the university Bloggers are recording one’s life ,self- expressing, releasing ,communicating, studying and entertaining.Thirdly, the Blog brings two-sides effects on university students. It is both positive and negative.Therefore, the author analyzes the factors,appraoches and mechanisms of Blog influence on the university students and puts forward the measures .Finally,the educational guidance on the use of Blog are introduced. Guidance to college students should be strengthened. Teachers should play an important role in Blog.Supervisory system should be established.Last but not least, it is also emergent to make the law of Blog .

【关键词】 大学生博客思想行为教育对策
【Key words】 university studentsblogthoughtbehavioureducational guidance
  • 【分类号】G641
  • 【被引频次】18
  • 【下载频次】1173

