

【作者】 茆晓婷

【导师】 章毅;

【作者基本信息】 电子科技大学 , 计算机软件与理论, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 为了持续地获得理想的软件质量,提高软件开发效率,降低开发成本,现代许多企业纷纷引进了软件过程模型CMMI(Capability Maturity Model Integration)。CMMI为我们提供了经过充分定义的、可重复的过程模型。但CMMI只描述了一个成熟组织应具有的软件过程能力,不同的企业,要根据自身特点给出相应的实施方案。CMMI过程模型关注于过程改进,即通过改进过程来改进软件质量。在过程改进中我们遇到了两个难题,首先,如何持续改进过程,其次,如何保证项目遵循过程域,针对这个问题我们深入研究了过程与产品质量保证过程域(Process and Product Quality Assurance, PPQA),并以此为指导,提出了集成过程支持系统IPSS(Integrated Process Support System)的实施方案。该系统实现了项目级的质量保证支持工具(Software Quality Assurance, SQA Tool)和组织级别的内部审计支持工具(Internal Audit Tool),并将两个子工具与系统门户IPSS Portal进行无缝集成。在Portal中,我们引入了基于角色的权限控制模型CORE RBAC(Role-Based Access Control),结合IPSS系统自身的特点,给出了系统单点登陆的解决方案。在IPSS的总体架构设计上,采用了流行的Web框架Struts和O/R Mapping技术Hibernate。针对B/S三层结构中存在的弊端,我们在系统业务逻辑层和数据访问层增加了持久化层Hibernate,降低了系统的耦合性。除此以外,我们还引入了业务代理(Business Proxy模式),封装了复杂的数据库访问操作,对业务逻辑层提供业务接口,在进一步的降低系统耦合性的同时,提高了系统的可维护性,扩展性和灵活性等特点。本文的研究来源于惠普全球软件服务中心(HP GDCC)内部的IQMS集成质量管理系统项目。本文所研究的IPSS过程支持系统是IQMS项目的重要组成部分。IPSS系统是从CMMI软件过程模型到软件开发过程支持,从过程理论到工程实践的一个全新的尝试,对其它软件过程模型的实践有很好的借鉴意义。IPSS的应用,提高了软件项目的可视性和可控性,在验证软件项目是否遵循软件过程的同时,保证了软件的质量,也为过程改进积累了丰富的经验数据。

【Abstract】 For the continuous improvement of software quality, software development efficiency and cost decrease, many companies start to use software process model CMMI (Capability Maturity Model Integration). CMMI provide us with defined and repeatable process model. While CMMI only describes what software process capability a mature organization should have, different companies should define their own practices.CMMI mainly focuses on process improvement. Software quality could be improved through process improvement. During this process, we meet some tough problems. First, how to improve process continuously? Second, how to guarantee projects following the process area? Aiming at solving this problem, we delve into PPQA (Process and Product Quality Assurance) area and give a solution called Integrated Process Support System based on that guide. IPSS implements two sub tools, one is project level’s SQA ((Software Quality Assurance) Tool and the other is organizational level’s Internal Audit Tool. These two tools are seamlessly integrated with IPSS Portal. In portal model, we introduce CORE RBAC (Role-Based Access Control) model and give a single sign-on solution according to IPSS application’s characteristics.This thesis’s research originates from HP GDCC’s internal project called IQMS (Integrated Quality Management System). IPSS is a brand new pilot from CMMI model to software development process support. It alos set up a good model for other software process model’s practice. The application of IPSS, improve the software development’s visibility and control degree. It helps to guarantee the software development follow the process area and provide experienced data to the company’s historical database for future use.

  • 【分类号】TP311.52
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】95

