

【作者】 郝玲艳

【导师】 赵建平;

【作者基本信息】 曲阜师范大学 , 物理电子学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 RFID(Radio Frequency Identification)——射频识别技术,作为快速、准确、实时、高效采集与处理信息的高新技术与信息标准化基础,已经被世界公认为本世纪十大重要技术之一,在生产、零售、物流、交通、矿井等许多要求非接触数据采集和交换的场合有着广泛的应用前景。在大量收集国内外射频识别技术应用资料的基础上,结合我国煤矿安全管理的现状,将射频识别技术结合现代通信技术应用在矿井监控与定位中,我们研制开发了一套矿井监控与定位系统。通过该系统可以实现对矿工的定位考勤、井下车辆的调度管理、矿井瓦斯浓度采集、区域禁入管理、紧急事件处理等多种功能,然后经过CAN总线将井下采集站采集到的环境信息及人员分布情况及时地传到地面监控中心,为矿井各级领导对矿井生产进行监督、指挥与决策提供了重要的依据,为保证矿下安全生产、提高管理效率提供了有效的手段。论文首先分析了目前我国矿井生产中的安全管理现状,根据矿井特殊的生产环境结合射频识别技术原理提出了系统的功能要求、技术参数和整体结构,确定了本设计的总体方案;然后重点论述了系统中数据采集站与识别卡的硬件设计,给出了系统的管理软件和应用程序的流程图;最后讨论了系统的调试及抗干扰措施。这套系统的创新在于综合应用了射频识别技术、计算机通信以及CAN总线技术等多项先进的技术,来实现对矿井的自动监控与定位。而且系统可扩展性强,使用灵活。例如根据实际需要对处理器中的程序做不同的修改;也可以添加更多的功能模块对系统做不同的扩充,实现语音、短信等功能。可以说在该系统的基础上设计其它RFID系统完全没有问题。例如高速公路收费的车载RFID系统,电子门锁防盗装置等需要信息识别的场合。

【Abstract】 RFID(Radio Frequency Identification)------The radio frequency technologyhas already been accepted as one of ten important technologies for this century universally, and also considered as the information standardization foundation which can realize gathering and process information fast, real-time and accurately. It has been widespread used in many fields such as the production, the retail sales, the class, the transportation, the mine and so on, which requests check without touch to get and switch data.On the basis of vast collecting the use situation of RFID and considering the status on the security manage of the mine, this thesis studies the application of RFID in the mine monitoring and localization system. With this technology and the modern computer communication, this system can realize the miner’s localization, the mine vehicles management, the gas density gathering, the region management and urgent event processing and so on, and then the gathered information will be transmitted to the ground monitoring center through the CAN line promptly and effectively. So the mine departments and leaders can get the correlative circus of the mine easily, providing them with the important basis for the surveillance, the decision-making. Thus the system will promote the safety in production and the management efficiency.Firstly, this article introduces the status on the security manage of the mine and gives construction、 function request and the technical parameter of the mine localization system, in view of the especial environment of the mine. Emphatically make the fundamental research to the radio frequency identification technology. Then it discusses elaborated the data gathering station and identification card with emphasis about the composition principle, the device choice and the hardware design process and the procedure of the system. Finally it discusses the debugging and anti-jamming measure of system.The innovation of the thesis is that it integrates the technology of RFID、 the communication and the CAN to realize the monitoring and localization of the mine. With this system we may not only realize the function of monitoring and localization to the mine, moreover it has characteristics of strong extension and flexibly in use. For example, we can make different revision about the MCU according to the actual need, or download different procedure to different system. The hardware module of the system also may be expanded according to need to realize the function of sound and the short message. It is no problem to design other RFID system on the basis of this system. Such as the highway charge vehicle carries the RFID system, electronic security installment situation and so on.

  • 【分类号】TP391.44;TP277
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】402

