

【作者】 魏衍华

【导师】 杨春梅;

【作者基本信息】 曲阜师范大学 , 史学理论及史学史, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 20世纪中国通史编纂是现当代学术界中较为重要的内容之一。本文试通过对一百年来所编纂中国通史的编纂概况、社会背景及学术条件、理念特征和编纂学特点等方面所取得成就的分析与研究,考察其在20世纪由传统类型的中国通史向近代转型的过程,并揭示中国通史编纂的规律性特征。其目的在于展现其史学的原貌,并为未来编纂新的中国通史提供有益借鉴。全文由前言、正文四章和结束语三部分组成。前言部分主要说明本课题研究的可能性和必要性、本文研究的范围以及当前学术界对该课题研究的现状。正文部分,第一章主要从清末民初、三四十年代、五六十年代、文革十年和20世纪最后20年等前后相继的五个阶段尽可能地展现中国通史编纂所取得的成就;第二章主要是将20世纪中国通史的编纂作为一个整体从制度的变迁和观念的转变、民族的危机和历史的反思、中国文化碰撞的文化以及学术自身的内在理路等几个方面,考察其取得巨大成就的社会因素和学术自身的内在理路。第三章主要从历史观念、价值观念以及中国通史职能的变化等方面探索和研究,进而对20世纪中国通史编纂的理念特征进行有重点的剖析,以展现不同于传统通史的一些特点;第四章试图从中国通史编纂的体裁综合化、历史语言的变化、史料的态度以及历史分期等几个与中国通史编纂学密切相关的问题进行分析,来透视20世纪中国通史编纂学上的主要特点。结束语部分概括性地说明20世纪中国通史编纂所取得的成就,并对本文研究所存在的不足进行分析,为进一步研究奠定坚实的基础。

【Abstract】 The compilation of Chinese General History in the 20th century is one of the most important contents in the modern and contemporary academic circles. By analyzing and studying the achievement of Chinese General history compilation for 100 years in the aspects of the General condition, social background academic condition and the characteristic of thought and compilation, this circle tries to impact its process of changing from tradition type into modern type and to reveal the regular characteristics of the Chinese General History compilation. It aims to display the original condition of history and provide beneficial reference for future study. The whole article is composed of the preface, the body part and the concluding remarks.The preface mainly explained the possibility and necessity of this research topic research, the study scope and its present situation.The body part consists of four chapters. Chapter mainly displays the achievement of the Chinese General History compilation during five successive periods. Chapter mainly analyzes the social and academic elements that contribution to the compilation achievement in a whole perspective. It concerns the changes of political system and academic ideas, the national crisis, the reflection on history and so on. The chapter III firstly studies the historical concepts, the value systems and the function change of the Chinese General History, and then it analyzes the thought characteristic of the Chinese General History in the 20th century, which is somewhat different from traditional Chinese General History. Chapter IVaims to reveal the main characteristic of the Chinese General History compilation in the 20th century by analyzing several related questions such as the synthesis of the Literature style of compilation, the changes of historical language, the attitudes history corpus and the variety of history stages.At last, the concluding remark generalizes the achievements of Chinese General History compilation in 20th century and points out the weakness of this article so as to lay the solid foundation for the further research.

  • 【分类号】K062;K207
  • 【下载频次】316

