

【作者】 王龙

【导师】 刘一民;

【作者基本信息】 曲阜师范大学 , 体育人文社会学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 当今中国网球事业可谓蓬勃发展,同时也处于一个重要的转折时期。在首届“网球论坛”上,中国国家体育总局网球管理中心表示网球将进入中国的义务教育,目前对此项措施的可行性论证问题国内研究尚无涉及,本研究以山东省为例,从山东省目前中小学网球运动开展现状入手,以分析网球运动的社会普及和网球运动义务教育化之间的关系出发,试图寻找我国网球基础教育和网球普及的路径,从而为网球运动的在我国进一步发展和普及起到服务作用。本文通过文献资料法、访谈法、问卷调查法、逻辑分析法以及计算机处理方法研究得出如下结论:在我省现阶段义务教育中小学中普及开设网球课的条件尚不具备。从学校体育经费的投入情况上看,学校体育经费投入不足,是关乎能否推行网球教育的关键因素;网球场地设施、师资力量状况是影响网球运动开展的首要因素;网球场地器材状况调查表明有相当大部分学校体育器材达不到标准;从网球师资力量调查数据可以看出,目前我省中小学体育教师的较量结构也体现了开展网球课的现有条件的不成熟,大部分体育教师他们本身在毕业之前接受网球运动的机会就很少,教授网球教育便更难,因此他们自身条件对于他们直接教授网球课来讲有很大的难度。不过,由于学历达标率较高,通过在岗或离岗培训可以在一定程度上弥补这一方面的不足。

【Abstract】 The tennis in China has a vigorous development, and now it is in an important transition time for its development. On the first conference of "The Tennis Forum", the tennis administrative center in Sports Bureau of China expressed that the tennis education would join in the compulsory education. At present, the domestic research of this area is still without feasible proof. This research studies the tennis compulsory education in the elementary and middle schools in Shandong Province. It will analyze the social popularization and the compulsory education of tennis, and will attempt the way which will seek China’s elementary education and the popularization of tennis. Thus, this research will make the function in the development and the popularization of tennis in China.This thesis employs the literature material method, interview, the questionnaire, the logical analytic method, and the computer processing method. This research points out that the education of tennis in the elementary and middle schools has not enough conditions in Shandong Province. The most important question of the tennis compulsory education is insufficiency of school sports’ funds investment. The first step for developing the tennis compulsory education is the development of courts and tennis teachers’ training. The investigation of the tennis location equipment condition shows that the quite majority of schools’ sports equipment is not to be able to achieve the standards of the courts. Through the investigation of tennis teachers, the data shows that the elementary and middle schools sports teachers’ contest structure is not mature in Shandong Province. Before the graduation, the majority of sports teachers have very few opportunities to contact with tennis, and the tennis teaching is difficult for them. Therefore, the tennis class is very difficult to give a course. With the highly teacher training, this insufficiency can abated in the certain degree.

  • 【分类号】G845
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】551

