

Pilot Study of Control Parameters and Characteristics of Fluidized-pellet-bed Bioreactor in Municipal Wastewater Treatment

【作者】 王欣

【导师】 袁宏林;

【作者基本信息】 西安建筑科技大学 , 市政工程, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 生物造粒流化床是在造粒流化床高效固液分离技术的基础上发展的一种新型污水处理新技术,该工艺将造粒流化床高效固液分离技术与活性污泥法生物降解作用有机结合,实现在一个单元内对城市污水的高效处理。本研究是在前期研究成果的基础上,深入研究了生物造粒流化床的各项控制条件及其对反应器运行状况和微生物状况的影响,包括颗粒污泥层高度、加药量、搅拌速度和上升流速;同时研究了生物造粒流化床处理城市污水的特性,并计算了处理过程中的固体平衡和颗粒污泥中挥发性固体的COD当量,得出以下主要结论:(1)在本实验检测的1100mm-1600mm范围内,生物造粒流化床使用较高的颗粒污泥层时,对原水中的污染物有更高的去除率,并且在水样和污泥样中可检测到更多的细菌数,尤为对NH3-N的去除和氨化菌的数量更为明显。(2)PAC投加不足或投加过量时均会影响颗粒污泥状况及出水水质,PAM投加过量时会引起颗粒污泥在搅拌轴上结块,二者的适宜投药量为PAC 48mg/L、PAM4.0mg/L。(3)机械搅拌和上升水流共同维持了生物造粒流化床中造粒过程和流化状态所需的水力条件。适宜的搅拌速度为(8~12)r/min,上升流速不宜超过6.5m/h。(4)原水进入生物造粒流化床反应柱后,各项污染物在100mm高度处被大幅度去除,随着高度增加污染物被继续去除但幅度较小。同时,出水中BOD/COD有所提高。(5)生物造粒流化床中每克干颗粒污泥中所含细菌总数接近108,单位体积好氧菌总数是传统污水处理反应器的4~8倍;颗粒污泥中挥发性固体含量为56%,介于化学强化一级处理所产生化学污泥(30%左右)和传统活性污泥(60%~80%)之间;物料平衡计算得出生物造粒流化床内颗粒污泥被完全置换所需的时间为13.6h,与生物造粒流化床的实测污泥停留时间SRT基本相符;颗粒污泥中挥发性固体的COD质量当量为1.88g COD/g MLVSS,介于常规污水处理系统中微生物C5H7O2N的COD质量当量1.42 g COD/g C5H7O2N和生活污水中的有机物C10H19O3N的COD质量当量1.99 g COD/g C10H19O3N之间。

【Abstract】 Fluidized-pellet-bed bioreactor is a new wastewater process developed from fluidized pellet bed, which achieves high rate of solid/liquid separation. This process is applied for domestic wastewater treatment in one unit by combining fluidized pellet bed technique and activated sludge process perfectly. On the base of the former research findings, the experiment directed at the influence of control parameters, including the height of granular sludge layer, dosages of flocculant PAC and promoter PAM, stirring rotational speed and up-flow rate to the performance and microbes of FPB bioreactor; besides, the characteristic of FPB bioreactor in treating municipal wastewater, the analyzing of mass-balance and the COD equivalents of granular sludge layer. The following conclusions can be drawn:(1) In the range of 1100mm-1100mm heights in this experiment, the FPB obtains higher remove rate of the contaminants and more microbes are observed when the higher granular sludge layer is adopted, especially for the remove of NH3-N and the observation of ammonificator counts.(2) The deficient or excessive dosage of PAC will influence the state of granular sludge and the outflow water, and the excessive dosage of PAM will agglomerate granular sludge on the spindle of the blender. The optimum dosage of PAC and PAM is 48 mg/L and 4.0 mg/L.(3) The rotations of impellers and the upward flow maintain hydraulic conditions required by pelleting process and fluidized state in the column. The optimum rotational speed is 8r/min-12r/min and the up-flow velocity should not exceed 6.5m/h.(4) Removal of contaminants at 100mm has almost reached FPB bioreactor’s entire value. The removal are persisted but nor much at higher position and the value of BOD5/COD are enhanced a little. (5) In FPB bioreactor, average total aerobic bacteria counts per one gram dry granular sludge approach 108, and total aerobic bacteria counts per unit volume are 4-8 times that of conventional wastewater treatment reactor. The content of volatile solids of granular sludge of FPB bioreactor is 56%. This content of chemical sludge of Chemical Enhanced Primary Treatment is about 30%, and the content of conventional activated sludge is 60~80%. Time required for completely replacement of granular sludge in FPB bioreactor is 13.6h by mass balance calculation, which match the actual measured SRT. It turns out that,for the granular sludge in the column, the COD equivalent is 1.88g COD/g MLVSS. As a comparison, the COD equivalent of C5H7O2N which represents microbes ofconventional activated sludge treatment is 1.42 g COD/g MLVSS, and the COD equivalent of C10H19O3N which presents organic substances in municipal wastewateris 1.99g COD/g MLVSS.

【关键词】 控制条件处理特性质量平衡
【Key words】 control parameterscharacteristicmass-balance
  • 【分类号】TU992.3;X703
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】120

