

Research on the Building Based on Han Dynasty MingQi

【作者】 曹云钢

【导师】 刘临安;

【作者基本信息】 西安建筑科技大学 , 建筑设计及其理论, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 汉朝,是中国封建社会中一个繁荣昌盛的王朝,在城市建设、宫殿建筑、祭祀性建筑和民居建筑等方面取得了很大的发展,是中国古代建筑史上第一个高峰期,对我国传统建筑的发展起到了承前启后的作用。汉代楼阁建筑逐渐摆脱了高层夯土台的约束,以“重屋之楼”的形式出现在历史舞台上,对中国后世的楼阁建筑和佛塔产生了很大的影响。本文以《考古》、《文物》等考古期刊为依据,对其中记载的汉代楼阁建筑明器进行大量的图文资料收集,并对考古发掘的实物进行实地的调研。同时辅以汉代画像砖石、崖墓、石室、考古文献等资料,对汉代楼阁建筑明器进行系统的研究和分析。出土的汉代建筑明器种类繁多,依据功能和用途的不同可以分为仓楼、楼宅、台榭、望楼、乐楼等类型。对上述各种类型的楼阁建筑明器,依据其规模、造型的不同,进行更进一步的分类。对于收集到的楼阁建筑明器所表现出的建筑特征,文章将其分为建筑技术特征和建筑艺术特征两大类,并对其进行分别论述:建筑技术特征从梁架、斗拱、楼层结构、屋顶形式等方面进行分析;建筑艺术特征从艺术风格、立面特征、斗拱和柱艺术特征等方面进行论述,并且对其表现出的特征寻求历史渊源,使文章的论证更加合理、充分。

【Abstract】 The Han Dynasty, which is the prosperous period in Chinese feudalistic society, played an important role in the Chinese traditional architecture. In this period, the Chinese traditional architecture arrived at the first flood tide, which gets a big development in city construction, palatial, sacred building, residential building and so on.At the same time, the building of the Han Dynasty got away from the stipulation of hathpace gradually, appearing the stage in history with the form of the pavilion of multilayer ", and producing the big influence to the Chinese pavilion and stupa.Basing on "KaoGu" and "WenWu" etc, a great deal of datum on Han Dynasty MingQi had been collection, and field survey about the real object data of the exhumation has been done. Assist with the portrait bricks, precipice graveyards, stone houses and the achaeological literatures, systematical analyze about Han Dynasty MingQi had been carried on.There are various kinds of Han Dynasty MingQi, according as function and purpose, the text had divided them into storehouse, residence, building beside of water, belvedere, theater, etc. And then, more detailed classifications by dimension and figure had been done. The text has divided the building character of Han Dynasty MingQi into two sides: technique characteristic and art characteristic, and aiming at major types of characteristic, respective analysis had been carried on. On one hand , technique characteristics on system of beam, bracket set, floor structure, roof form, etc, have been analyzed. On the other hand, art characteristics of art style, pavilion faces characteristic, bracket set characteristic, columniation characteristic, etc, had been comprehensive discussed, and also, making an effort to look for its history origin towards expressing the characteristic, in order to make its argument more reasonable and sufficient.

  • 【分类号】TU-092;TU-80
  • 【被引频次】12
  • 【下载频次】1122

