

Research on Traffic Impact Analysis for Shopping Mall

【作者】 谭山

【导师】 韩秀华;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 交通运输规划与管理, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 本文针对近年来交通领域的热点问题交通影响分析方法进行了深入研究,近年来,各大城市快速发展,大商业建设项目纷纷上马,与此同时城市交通问题日益突出,为了从根本上抑制交通资源紧张情况的恶化,需要对大型建设项目的交通影响程度进行评价分析,特别是大型购物中心这种集聚大量人群的项目。文章首先对国内外交通影响分析的研究状况进行了回顾,概括分析了大型购物中心的功能及特点,并结合购物中心周边道路的交通特性,分析了大型购物中心交通量诱增吸引的特点。从四步骤模型入手,进行项目的背景交通量预测和诱增交通量预测,提出了交通分配的新方法——道路节点法。论文最后结合长春市购物中心建设项目“天地十二坊”,应用TransCAD软件对大型购物中心交通影响分析方法进行了实证研究。本文研究的大型购物中心交通影响分析方法具有很大的普遍性,针对不同的城市在不同的情况下,分析的过程会有所差异,但所设计的总体思路会对交通影响分析的实施具有一定的指导意义。

【Abstract】 With the economy fast development and the urbanized step acceleration, the traffic congestion has gained people’s more attention. Specially after 2000, the city land resource scarcely lets people understand only depend on constructing the road is unable to solve the traffic problem. Therefore the land resource is used reasonable and the city traffic plan which are suspended to a more prominent position. On this foundation the traffic impact analysis has a fast developmentTraffic Impact Analysis (TIA) origins from US, is carried out before the construction project in the urban. It analyzes the influence degree and the influence scope of the traffic service level, then takes some measures to keep the traffic service level do not drop, or revises donor project plan to reduce the impact with the traffic burden which causes by the construction project.With the commercial economic form transformation, the shopping mall became the important form of the commercial development in recent years, but the massive consumers attraction was the shopping mall’s center. The massive consumers will cause the increasing of traffic flows and the increasing volume has obviously affected the traffic service level around the shopping mall, carries out the traffic impact analysis on the shopping mall is the key of safeguarding the balance of the city traffic’s supply and demand.Changchun is the capital of Jilin province. With the fast development of economic, and the increase of people’s purchasing capability , more and more shopping malls will be built .It is necessary to do research with the TIA to the shopping mall, ensuring the rational development and use of urban land resource, meanwhile, creating a harmonious urban traffic environment.Based on the domestic and foreign researching fruits of TIA, this paper discusses the suitable methods of TIA to the shopping mall. By quantitative analysis, confirms generated traffic volume of shopping mall, analyzes the impact of traffic around shopping mall, which makes an important significant theoretical effect on enriching the system of TIA,moreover, it is helpful for instructing the TIA.For the shopping mall, combining with its characters, the paper researches the method and utilization of TIA, Main context as follows:The first Chapter will introduce the researching actuality and the significance of TIA to the shopping mall, in order to contrast domestic researching actuality to that of foreign, to summarize the suitable methods of TIA to the shopping mall.The second Chapter will introduce the concept, function and character of shopping mall in detail, and expound the traffic flow’s character of roads around shopping mall. All of these make a significant effect on traffic volume’s forecasting,traffic assignment and improving measures.The third chapter will elaborate the forecast method of traffic flow. On the basic of the determination of influence scope, divide the traffic flows forecast into the background volume forecast of traffic attraction and the increases volume forecast. In this article tempts to elaborate the method of the increases volume of the construction project.The fourth chapter will introduce the theory of traffic assignment, on the foundation will explore the simpler and practical method of traffic assignment further. This article proposes the road-intersection method, then determinates the detail impact road, by this sets up the object for the proposition of improvement measures.The fifth chapter will key-construct the method of traffic impact analysis system, from three different stratification of the road and key intersection and the network to appraisal the traffic impact degree which the construction caused. At the same time will make some qualitative analysis to other aspects of correlation impact.The sixth chapter will apply the theory of TIA to actual which was proposed by the former several chapters, examining the method of TIA to the shopping mall, sublimating theory to technology Stratification plane.The Seventh chapter will summarize the paper’s main work, and forecast what will be going to research next step.This article originality lies in:(1) unifies the characteristic of the shopping mall traffic attraction, proposes the second determination method of the influence scope of TIA;(2) unifies the characteristic of the road net itself, on this foundation proposes the road-intersection method;(3) Carried on the practice of the four-steps method of TIA by Transcad software.

【关键词】 交通影响分析大型购物中心四步骤Transcad
【Key words】 TIAshopping mallfour-stepsTranscad
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 03期
  • 【分类号】U491
  • 【被引频次】10
  • 【下载频次】821

