

Research on the Computer Control System of the Triplex Loop-pile Carpet Weaving Machine

【作者】 张维彪

【导师】 宫文斌;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 机械电子工程, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 近几年,由于我国的旅游业和房地产业发展迅速,地毯以其温馨、舒适的装饰效果受到人们的青睐,因此我国的地毯市场在快速增长,其中簇绒地毯也有很大市场。但是国内的地毯技术落后,地毯设备大部分依靠进口,地毯技术被国外的地毯设备制造商所主导。一些陈旧的设备生产的地毯难以满足人们的需求,对其进行改造以适应市场的需要是一个既经济又有效的措施。本文对一台由英国Cobble公司生产的簇绒机进行技术改造,使其能够加工出符合厂家要求的三层绒高圈绒提花地毯。据此,本文对簇绒机控制系统的硬件进行了研究设计,控制系统的实现需要软件的支持,软件设计的内容包括地毯图案的转换和传送以及可编程序控制器(PLC)的控制程序。通过对簇绒机的改造,实现了预期的目标。

【Abstract】 In recent years, with the rapid development of the tour industry and the real estate industry, the carpet is popular for its comfortable and decorative effect, so the carpet market of our country is growing rapidly, including tufting carpet. However, the technology of domestic carpet is backward, and most of apparatus must be imported from foreign countries. Carpet technology has been dominated by foreign equipment manufacturers, so the carpet produced by out-of-date equipment is difficult to meet the demand of the people. it will be very meaningful to improve the spinning equipments technologically.The text reforms a tufting machine produced by the British Cobble Co. The tufting machine include the mainframe including apparatus and the lubricating system, the feeding yarn system including speed reducers, clutches , gears and the yarn gathering board ,the loop system including loop hooks, hilts and rocker actuators and the control system . The control system of diverse tufting machines is different.The quality of loop-pile carpet mainly depends on the distance of needles and the tufting height. Dense needle distances and high tufting carpet are high quality. the tufting height is the distance between the back of fabric and the top of the wool . The fabric is above the pallet, so the height is adjusted by adjusting the height of pallet. Meanwhile, it is connected with the quantity of feeding yarns, and the velocity of gears depends on the quantity ,the tensility and the height.When asynchronous motors are rotating ,a row of clutches which are controlled by the control system turn gears at same time .So gears have three different velocities. When they speed, quantities of feeding yarn increase. When needles move down, yarns have been in a state of relaxation. In this way, when they pass through the fabric, yarns will not rebound and form high loops. When they reduce the speed ,yarn tension increases. When they pass through the fabric, yarns will rebound and form low loops. Because of tree different velocities ,loops will be three different height.The design of the tufting machine control system is the key to this control system, the choice of the control project is the most important issue. In this paper, after analyzing three projects ,such as the control of relays, the control of chip microcomputer, the control of PLC and combining the feature of the tufting machine with the demand of the products, we choice the third control project. It has the advantage of the short development cycle, the strong anti-jamming capability ,stable and reliable operation. Due to the limitations of PLC functions, such as carpet designs and handling many other complex task, We use Industrial Computer to complete carpet design, image processing, image format conversion and so on, and through serial RS-232 send the information to the PLC which control the tufting machine.The design of the down-computer of the tufting machine control system includes the hardware design and the software design. The hardware design includes three parts , input, logic control ,output. The second part of the design is the key of three parts. In this part, the design of PLC is great important. The input part includes the encoder , switches and power and so on. The output part mainly includes clutches through which triplex loop-pile jacquard carpets are produced .According to the control requirement ,the control schematic diagram ,the power supply chart and the control chart are drew .In the design of the control software, according to the control requirement, program flow charts are drew. Through the software support, the hardware system can control the tufting machine successfully.The host software includes three sections, the interface design, the carpet patterns transition design and the carpet patterns transmission design. The interface is designed on the base of the use of objects. The aim of the carpet patterns transition design was to convert data into the switch signals to control the jacquard pattern carpet installation. According to the requirement, the flow chart is drew .The aim of the carpet patterns communication design was to transmit the switch signals into PLC storage units to control the tufting machine. According to the requirement, the flow chart is drew . PLC control program will invoke data real-timely to control the tufting machine to produce products to meet requirements.When the control system is designed, the system need to take some anti-interference measures. The three elements of electromagnetic interference are sources ,coupled channels and disturbed body. Therefore, in order to ensure control devices or systems in industrial electromagnetic environment from the outside or reduce electromagnetic interference, the source of interference should be inhibited, the transmission should be cut off or attenuated and the control system installation or anti-jamming capability should be improved. Generally, we use shielding lines, line filters and so on. In the PLC control system , interference is a more complicated issue. Therefore, when measures are taken , various factors should be considered synthetically, in order to inhibit electromagnetic interference rationally and support systems in normal operation.In order to verify the situation of the control system, the software system and the hardware system need to be debugged. In the software debugging experiment, the conversion and transmission of the carpet patterns were tested. To ensure the accuracy of data transmitted, it was compared with data in storages of PLC . The result is proved right .In the hardware debugging experiment, to test the hardware circuits ensures that there were not no short-circuiting traffic, shutdown and fault connections. After starting the tufting machine, under the control of PLC, corresponding carpet patterns should be produced, and by adjusting the knob of speed reducers, the best results for the carpet should be achieved. The experiments show that under the control system, the carpet produced by tufting machine reached the desired requirement.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 03期
  • 【分类号】TS103.8
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】63

