

Study and Design of Laser Acupuncture Instrument Based on PID Control

【作者】 黄贞

【导师】 李成伟;

【作者基本信息】 燕山大学 , 生物医学工程, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 针灸起源于我国,由于它本身潜在的实力:一种整体自然疗法,作用独特,可治疗西洋医学束手无策的许多疾病,易与科学技术结合,操作易行,无副作用等,已成为世界通行的一种医学科学。然而在临床上传统的针灸常会发生如弯针、滞针、折针、晕针、刺伤重要脏器等异常现象;还有如神阙、乳中等穴位根本就不易针刺。而且由于传统针刺是用金属刺具刺入人体穴位而起作用,稍有不慎就可能造成血液传染,特别是艾滋病等通过血液传染的疾病则对传统针疗提出了难题。激光针灸以无痛、无感染、无明显禁忌穴、安全、不晕针且剂量可控、操作简便等优点,开始被广泛的应用于临床,并且取得了较好的临床疗效。本课题以激光针灸治疗疾病的效果为依据,以传统中医针灸理论为基础开发的性能完善、智能化、便捷式、大众化激光针灸仪。文章首先介绍了激光针灸产生和发展及存在的问题,及其医学基础,探讨了激光针灸治疗的作用机理,分析了激光针灸的生物医学效应及临床与实验研究,对激光治疗的安全剂量问题进行研究。在上述理论研究的基础上,结合传统中医理论,设计激光安全照射控制程序;同时利用数字PID控制算法控制LD驱动,结合光学系统设计,实现了传统中医针刺补泻手法,最终完成软、硬件的设计和实现,工作波形的采集。最后基于最小二乘法进行系统建模并利用Simulink进行系统仿真,得到仿真波形。本仪器实现了现有激光针灸治疗仪所无法实现的传统中医丰富的针刺补泻手法,同时利用了数字PID对输出光功率进行闭环调节,提高了仪器的稳定性,以具有高度集成、超低功耗的MSP430单片机为控制核心,使其具有成本低、体积小、稳定性好、使用灵活、操作方便、安全等特点。其特有的安全照射剂量控制使本仪器能够安全、方便的为大众所用,适宜推广到大众医疗保健。

【Abstract】 Acupuncture originated in China. Due to the potential strength of its own: a kind of whole and natural therapy, special effects, can cure many diseases that the western medical science feels helpless, easily combined with science and technology, no side-effect, Acupuncture has become very popular in the world.However, some accidents may appear in clinical, such as: bent needle, stuck needle, broken needle, fainting, and hurting important organs. And some points are hard to puncture, such as: shengque and ruzhong. Meanwhile metal needles are used to puncture points to get therapeutic effect in traditional acupuncture, which may cause blood infection. Especial, in the face of AIDS and other blood-infect diseases, traditional acupuncture become loss.Laser acupuncture has been widely used in clinical and achieved good clinical effect as its free-pain, non-bacterium, non-invasion, safety, smart application and convenient operation.In this thesis, an intelligent laser acupuncture therapeutic instrument, which is powerful, convenient, low cost and popular, is designed based on the effect of laser acupuncture and traditional Chinese medicine theory. First, the generation and development history, actualities and subsistent problems of laser acupuncture and medical foundation of laser acupuncture are introduced. Second, the mechanism of laser acupuncture is discussed. The control of security laser radiation dose is studied after the analysis of effects of laser acupuncture and its clinical research. Based on theory above and combined with traditional Chinese medicine theory, procedures of security radiation dose control are designed. Meanwhile PID control theory is introduced and used to control the LD driver. Then combined with optical system design, reinforcement and reduction of traditional acupuncture is implemented. Finally software and hardware are designed, and waveforms are collected by applyingvirtual instrument. At the end of this paper, system simulation is done based on the least-squares method system modeling, and simulation waveforms are obtained. The laser acupuncture instrument in this thesis can implement the reinforcement and reduction of traditional acupuncture, which the existing laser acupuncture therapy can not be achieved. Digital PID is used to do a closed-loop control of the laser power output, which improved the stability of the instrument. MSP430 microcontroller system, which is highly integrated and ultra low power loss, is used as the control centre of the instrument. This instrument has many excellences like low cost, smart application, convenient operation and safety. With the unique security laser radiation dose control, this instrument is very safe and convenient for public use and appropriate to promote public health care.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 燕山大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 02期
  • 【分类号】TH789
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】399

