

Research on the Implantation of Students’ Legal Awareness in Physical Education Institutes and Colleges

【作者】 王晶

【导师】 陈适晖; 谢雪峰;

【作者基本信息】 武汉体育学院 , 体育教育训练学, 2007, 硕士


【摘要】 与普通大学生相比,体育院校的学生都具有很强的体育专项素养,由于体育运动项目的特殊性,导致接受专业训练的学生性格结构特征的特殊性,再加上文化素质教育状况的影响,进行法制教育必然会面对很多特殊问题。例如,反兴奋剂意识、公平竞赛意识、公正裁判意识等体育领域的法律意识,更应该是体育专业大学生必备的特殊法律素养。本研究正是以增强我校学生法律意识为途径、提高法律素养为目的,实现暴力刑事案件发生率降低为初衷,从体育法律素养共通于一般法律素养的视角看待体育专业大学生的法制教育,试图找到一条符合体育专业特性的、能够有效促进学生法律素养提高的、具有体育院校特色的法制教育途径,以顺利实现体育专业大学生的高等教育培养目标。本研究通过学生问卷、老师访谈、学生座谈、校方法制教育文件搜集、保卫科案件资料查阅等方式了解我校学生法制教育的现状,通过问卷分析、结论比较、资料汇集、理论思辨来总结分析我校学生法制教育的特征,并在“综合素养结构不均衡假设”、“法律素养各组成部分不协调假设”、“法律素养结构特殊性假设”和“‘实然’向‘应然’靠近的假设”四个研究假设的指导下,对我校学生法律素养状况做出理论性“诊断”,进而提出因应对策,以求实现学生法律意识的培植:发挥直接途径的复合作用,借高校法律基础课改革的契机,实现法制教育的可持续发展;发挥间接途径渗透作用,挖掘多种渠道培植法律意识,提高整体法律素质。重点研究间接途径方面的措施,提出体育专业学生的特色法律品质培养方案,即修习良好德性,发挥道德教育的法治功能;铸就守法品质,融合“自我法治”到生活观念;塑造和谐人格,散发人文教育的涵养魅力;抵制思维定势,增强倭化观点的免疫能力;营造法治氛围,凸显润物无声的育人形式:吸纳全员参与,构建灵活有效的预警机制。

【Abstract】 Comparing to the ordinary college students, college students of sports professional have the specialized quality according to the specific training which can impact their characteristics, and have a different knowledge education experiences. So their legal system education must have many special situations to be required. Especially, they need sports legal quality such as anti-doping awareness, fair play awareness, and fair judge awareness and so on.In this study, penmen commit her to enhance the legal system quality of our school students, and aim to lower the rate of criminal cases in the form of violence. This study try to find the way of legal education which can adapt the requirement of the sports legal quality education, because the sports legal quality education subordinates the normal legal quality education is the basic perspective.To know the status of our school student’s legal education by means of student paper investigate, teacher interviews, students’ forums, interrelated files collection, cases information reading from the school security department. To get the legal system education features of our school student through analysis paper investigate, compare conclusion, information collection, and theoretic debate. After these studies, the legal system education gap between theory target and real statue can get easily. And we can prescribe for the legal education of sports professional student under the four assumptions, which was look as the lodestar of this paper. And the countermeasure bases them: catching the chance of legal courses reform to realize the vitality of the college legal system education; legal function of moral education; self legal function; humanistic education among the harmony personality development; anti-stigmatized; rule of law environment; effective warning system.

  • 【分类号】G641
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】351

