

A Study on the Main Element That Influence the Population of Mass Soccer in China

【作者】 蒋铮璐

【导师】 邓达之;

【作者基本信息】 武汉体育学院 , 体育教育训练学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 随着现代经济的不断发展,人们的物质文化生活需求不断提高。人们对足球运动已经不再满足在看台上欣赏运动员精彩的足球技艺,更渴望亲身体验足球运动带来的快乐。但足球运动中一些竞技因素的影响在一定程度上挫伤了人们参与足球运动的积极性。这无疑会影响人们对该运动的喜爱。因此人们开始对足球性能、比赛规则、场地要求等进行切合实际需要的更改。沙滩足球、雪地足球、室内足球等足球活动形态孕育而生,为足球运动增添了许多内涵。通过对现有文献的研究发现,长期以来,我国的足球运动以竞技为主,但我们必须意识到:竞技足球的进步必须建立在深厚的群众足球基础上。现阶段,我国群众性足球运动虽有一定的发展,如4人制、5人制、7人制等小型的室内外足球比赛、沙滩足球等有很强的娱乐性,吸引了很多人参与。但离充分发挥足球的各向功能,实现全民参与足球运动的目标还有很大的距离。应对这一形势,分析影响我国群众性足球运动诸因素不仅对足球运动理论的发展有积极的现实意义,对其他项目的普及和推广也有指导和借鉴意义。为探明影响我国群众性足球运动普及的主要因素,揭示主要因素对群众性足球运动普及的作用。文章采用文献法、调查法、数理统计法、逻辑分析法和系统法,获得影响我国群众性足球运动的主要因素为:运动设施因素、运动自身特点因素、参与者因素、主管部门关注因素、媒体因素、文化因素。从科学的多角度来对影响我国群众性足球运动的主要因素进行分析。研究结果表明:我国的群众性足球运动的普及和开展是以学校为中心向社会各个层次辐射。主要的活动群体和活动情况有以下特征:活动主要在学校和有足球运动设施的企事业单位进行,到收费的足球运动场进行足球活动的人数正不断增加中。活动开展以小型足球赛事为主。参与的对象多为男子青少年,中年人次之、老年人和女子群众性足球运动参与者稀少。作为群众性足球运动的主体,大众主体参与意识的增强才会使人们有能够积极进行群众性足球运动的可能性。在提高群众参与足球运动的自觉能动性上,要发挥其创新精神,坚持群众参与足球运动的自主性。只有这样,才能使其体验到群众性足球运动的乐趣。产生参与的积极性,并形成体育习惯。中国体育文化始终对国内足球运动产生着深刻的影响。从古代的传统体育文化对足球运动竞技本质的抵制,逐步导致中国古足球运动的消亡。到历经近代社会救国兴国崇文、尚武的体育文化使得人们重视到足球的竞技特征,努力开展竞技足球。最后到经过现代社会大众体育文化的浸润后,足球运动的竞技和游戏二元特征一并受到人们的重视。主管部门在对群众性足球运动普及的关注上无论在出台的政策方针还是技术、资金都还有待加大支持力度。在普及过程中,主管部门的实际工作方法不够灵活和贴切群众实际需求。出现了群众性足球运动在普及时冷淡的情况。因此对群众性足球运动的普及应当紧密结和当前国内全民健身的发展趋势,与学校体育和社区体育工作建设相结合,成立群众性足球运动活动辅导站,配备社会足球指导员,安排和指导群众进行各类形式的足球活动。在对群众的普及宣传中依靠他们建立起一个“媒体——足球指导员——活动参与者”的传播基本结构单位。通过媒体的宣传和参与人员的言传身教,建立更多的传播基本单位,形成发达的传播网络。

【Abstract】 With the development of modern economy, the people’s need of material and culture has improved much. Many people are not satisfied with watching soccer game. They are eager to get much happy from playing soccer by themselves. But there are some elements are not suitable for the mass. If the mass want to play soccer, they will do some methods to revise the rules of playing, the demand of soccer field and so on. Which come into being sandy beach football, snowfield football and interior football. According to the investigation of documents in china, it shows our country give the first place to athletic soccer. Bur we should know the fact that the mass soccer is the basis of progress of athletic soccer. Now though the mass soccer has developed in china in some degree, such as mini-type soccer competition which attracts many people, but it has a long way to achieve the aim everybody can play soccer. Answering this fact in china and to analysis the elements which are affecting the mass soccer is not only has active practical significance, but also can guide other sports popularization in the country.In order to ascertain the main element that influence the popularization of mass soccer in china and to discover the role they play in the popularization by adopting document data, investigation, logic analysis and mathematical statistics, the thesis proposes the main element: facilities, features of the sport itself, participants, authorities concerned, media and culture. In addition, the thesis also conducts a systematic analysis of the main elements form interdisciplinary angles. The result of study shows:The popularization and development of mass soccer are radiated from schools, which are reflected in main sports groups and fields. The condition and the activity have the following characteristic: mass soccer is played in the schools and some factories have soccer field. The activity is carried out giving first place to mini-type football game. The participates are male person. Teen-agers are dominated, middle-aged person takes second place, the old and the woman player are very rare.To strengthen the people’s consciousness in soccer can increase the soccer players. Encourage the participants’enterprise and give them freedom in playing soccer. So can make them to enjoy the fun of soccer and form the good habit.The Chinese sports culture has deep affection on Chinese soccer. The essence of ancient Chinese sports culture is contrary to the soccer’s athletic sprit. So the ancient Chinese soccer had disappeared. People pays attention to arriving at the football athletics characteristic to getting through society the modern times saving the nation encouraging national, the sports culture emphasizing military affairs being able to be used , makes great efforts to carry out athletics football. After arriving at the infiltration course modern society masses sports culture finally, the athletics and game binary characteristic of football are regarded highly by people together.It shows authorities should take much more concerns on mass soccer not only on polices, funds and technology guide. There are some methods not flexible to the needs of mass soccer, which make few people take part in. So the way how to popularize mass soccer should be connected with school PE and community body building. To form mass soccer guide instruction that can guide people to play all kinds of ball games. It is a good way to form a communication structure of“mass media—instruction—participants”. By means of media’s propaganda and the participants’teaching by precept and example, we can form many spreading communication instructions.

【关键词】 中国群众性足球运动普及主要因素
【Key words】 ChinaMass SoccerPopularizeMain Element
  • 【分类号】G843
  • 【被引频次】11
  • 【下载频次】942

