

New Era for China’s Confucian Culture of Football

【作者】 卢云飞

【导师】 刘晓宇;

【作者基本信息】 武汉体育学院 , 足球, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 中华民族在几千年的繁衍生自息和发展过程中积淀了光辉灿烂的儒家文化,这对于中华民族团结和融合,生存和进步做出了不可磨灭的贡献。体育运动是文化的一种特殊表现形式,足球运动更是体育运动中最具有代表性的项目。中国古代就产生了足球运动,称之为“蹴踘”。随着文化的发展,产生了现代足球运动,现代足球运动产生于西欧资本主义上升时期充满强烈扩张与征服精神的时代,并发展完善于欧美崇尚进取、竞争的文化氛围。现代足球运动崇尚进攻和进取,产生并成熟于商业社会。而商业社会最重要的一个理念就是“只有竞争才能生存”,参加比赛最直接的目的就是尽一切可能获取胜利。本文在对儒家文化产生与发展的历史考察基础上,从儒家文化对中国文化发展的主导作用(文化、民族性格、其他社会生活),进行深入研究,重点考察了儒家文化与体育的关系,在社会主义市场经济体制下,儒家思想中,既要正视儒家文化的消极因素,更要利用其积极因素大力推进我国足球运动的发展,因而大家在实际工作中要辨别清楚,去其糟粕,取其精华来为大家所用。未来中国足球文化的发展方向,必定是以儒家文化为主导,吸纳西方优秀足球文化发展起来的。在社会主义市场经济条件下,建设社会主义新文化,必然离不开自己的民族传统。因而儒家文化经过科学的扬弃之后,必然成为社会主义的主流文化,并对我国的足球运动的推动发挥重要作用。

【Abstract】 In thousands of years,China has developed glorious confucianism which has contributed greatly to the union and improvement of the nation.Athletics presents a special form of the culture,with football being the most presentative item. With the development of culture,China’s ancient“cu ju”. Modern capitalism in Western Europe rose in the football sport have a strong period of expansion and conquest spirit of the times. and developed in Europe and the United States advocating aggressive, competitive culture. Offensive and aggressive advocate of modern sport, and have a maturity in the business community. The business community’s most important concept is "only competition can survive." The most direct goal is to participate in the competition to do everything possible to obtain the victory.Based on the historical research of forming and development of lonfucianism,this thesis studies the guiding effects of confucianism on Chinese culture (culture,national characteristics,social life),and puts great emphasis on the relationship between confucianism and P.E. Under socialist marketing economy system,we should both face the passive elements of confucianism and take advantages of the positive part to promote the Chinese football. Hence,we have a great deal of work in practice . The development of China’s future football culture will be based on the guide of confucianism and western excellent football culture. Choice, Confucianism will become the main culture of socialism and play an important role in the promotion of Chinese football.

  • 【分类号】G843
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】400

