

Rural Tourism Development Research on the Shandong Province

【作者】 孔繁嵩

【导师】 赵兴胜;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 专门史, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 随着世界工业化和城市化进程的加快,越来越多的城市人渴望短暂地离开居所,奔向青山绿水,来到悠闲惬意的乡间,放松身心、体验清新朴实的生活情韵。为了满足城市人们回归田园的特殊需求,乡村旅游应运而生。山东省乡村旅游资源丰富,乡村旅游的开发起步较早,但是在发展程度上仍处于初级阶段,在乡村旅游的理论研究上存在不足,在发展过程中存在着诸如缺乏科学规划、模式单一、产品雷同、专门人才匮乏、缺乏有效保护措施等问题。山东省非常重视乡村旅游的发展,采取了一系列积极措施,以“海洋文化”和“山水圣人”为主线,结合全球区域旅游一体化趋势,发展山东半岛城市群旅游联合体,并提供政策和经济方面的保证和支持,刺激了该区域内乡村旅游的发展,也对其他区域内乡村旅游发展起到了一定的推动作用;山东还重视加强乡村旅游品牌建设,投资乡村旅游潜力股,注重乡村旅游文化品味提升。目前整个山东乡村旅游发展虽然取得了一定的成绩,但上升空间仍很大,需继续努力,不断加大发展力度。本文首先介绍了乡村旅游的研究意义、发展状况及研究状况并进行了一般理论分析;接着介绍了山东省乡村旅游的发展状况及存在的问题;接着结合实际案例对山东省乡村旅游的发展情况进行了有针对性的阐述,并在文章最后部分指出了以后山东省乡村旅游发展的思路,结合存在的问题提出了建议性的发展思路。本文共分四个章节:第一章乡村旅游引论,第二章山东乡村旅游业发展状况及存在问题,第三章以山东省聊城市姜堤村为例进行乡村旅游开发实证分析,第四章指出了未来山东乡村旅游发展的思路。

【Abstract】 With the accelerating development of the industrialization and urbanization, more and more urban people are thirsty for the blue mountains and green waters, and want to go to the agreeable villages to give free rein to their body and mind. In order to meet urban people’s demands rural tourism has emerged as new times require.Village in Shandong Province is rich in tourism resources; as a result, rural tourism started earlier, but the level of its development is at the primary stage. And gaps of Researches on the rural tourism theory still exist. During the process of exploiting and using there are many problems , such as absence of scientific planning, a single model, similar products, insufficiency of human resources, lack of effective protection measures, and so on, which need to be resolved in the future.This paper firstly introduces the development of rural tourism and reviewed research results, including a examination on the general theory; then an introduction of problems existing in the rural tourism in Shandong Province was made; At the last, I made an case study on the development of rural tourism in Shandong Province, and put forward my ideas and suggestions about rural tourism.This paper is divided into four chapters: Chapter one is an Introduction to Rural Tourism, the second chapter introduces Shandong rural tourism’s development and existing problems, Chapter III takes Jiangti Village, Liaocheng City of Shandong Province as an example to analyze the development of rural tourism, and Chapter IV points out the thoughts of Shandong rural tourism’s future development.

【关键词】 乡村旅游乡村旅游文化发展
【Key words】 rural tourismRural Tourism CultureDevelopment
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 03期
  • 【分类号】F592.7
  • 【被引频次】16
  • 【下载频次】1482

