

The Features of Water Resource and Strategies of Status Analysis & Utilization of Yellow River in Shan Dong Province

【作者】 修林发

【导师】 曹升乐;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 水利工程, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 黄河水是山东省的重要客水资源,进入20世纪80年代以来,黄河入境水量越来越少,而且断流次数增加,断流时间延长,给山东经济社会发展和生态环境带来严重危害,开展黄河山东段水资源开发利用对策研究迫在眉睫。本文以长期黄河水资源实测资料为依据,从影响黄河山东段水资源因素入手,得出黄河山东段水资源的特点:水沙年内分布不均匀、水沙年际变化大、丰枯流量及含沙量变化大。在此基础上,对1951—2005年以来影响黄河水资源开发的径流量、输沙量、含沙量、泥沙颗粒组成、水质、断流情况以及冰情变化等因素进行了深层次的分析,并结合目前黄河山东段水资源开发利用状况,沿黄灌区农作物的需水规律以及城乡居民生活、工业生产用水进行了调研,预测来水量与需水量,分析了2010年黄河山东段供需平衡关系;并对引黄供水效益进行了分析。本文在分析水资源需求情况基础上,总结了黄河山东段水资源存在的问题,并提出了黄河山东段水资源开发利用对策措施:1、多措并举,应对水资源供需矛盾越来越突出的问题;2、健全机构,理顺关系,充分调动市县局参与水资源管理和开发利用的积极性;3、建立完善各级水调中心和水资源监测网络;4、加强水资源的计划管理,严肃调水纪律,科学界定引水用途5、研究调水调沙对河道和引水的影响趋势,及早采取措施,保证顺利引水;6、采取强制措施,厉行节约用水,大力推进节水型社会建设;7、加强测流研究,实施精细调度,准确计量8、加强河口生态需水和东平湖水资源管理等基础性研究工作;措施的提出为今后黄河山东段水资源的开发利用提供了科学依据。

【Abstract】 The water resources in the lower reaches of the Yellow River are the only natural water resources passing by the board. But after the 80’s of the 20’ th century. the amount of the water in the Yellow River channel decreased greatly, and the chances of zero flow running into the sea increased. Also the zero flow period increased. Consequently, it has brought great damage to the social development and biological environment. Facing so many problems, it is very urgent and necessary to study and make good use of the water resources in the lower reaches of the Yellow River.This article bases on the statistic date of the water resources measured in many years .It starts from the factors that have great influence on development of the water resources in the lower resources of the Yellow River ,and makes a general conclusion about the features of the water resources of the Yellow River. The features include the uneven distribution of the water and sediment in one year ,the great chang of the water and sediment amount in different years ,the big chang of the flow and sand content in flood and low flow periods .Based on the features above ,this article analyzes those factor including the amount run-off, sediment transportation , the structure of sediment ,water quality ,the situation of zero flow ,and the changing of ice flood and so on .Together with the factor of the current situation of the utility and development in lower reaches of the Yellow River in Sandong province ,the article discusses the relationship between the amount of the water can be supplied and the amount of water can be brought by the river,also it researches the agricultural water demand in the irrigation area along the Yellow River .domestic water use and industrial water use , forecasts coming water and water demand . analyzes water supply and demand of the Yellow River within Shandong province in 2010, and the benefits of Yellow River water supply.Based on the analysis of water demand ,the paper concludes the existing problems of Yellow River Water resources in Shandong province ,and puts forward the strategies and measures on the development and use of Yellow River water resources within Shandong Province .1.Carrying out various measures to solve more and more extruding contradiction between water supply and demand .2.Completing intuitional construction and inspire local bureaus to get involved in water reasources management , development and utilization .3.Establishing and completing water regulating centers of various levels and water resources network 4. Enhancing the water resources management and planning, implementing relevant regulations and rules on water regulating strictly,identifying the purpose of water abstract in a scientific way .5. Researching the impacts of water and sediment regulating on river channel and water abstract and its trend .adopting measures as soon as possible to ensure water supply smoothly.6.Adopting strict measures , strictly prompting water-saving .improving the water-saving society.7.Enhancing hydrological observation research , implementing water-regulating elaborately ,and carrying out observation exactly.8.Improving fundamental research on ecological water demand in Yellow River mouth and water resources management in Dong ping Lake .These provide scientific proofs for the development and use of Yellow River water resources.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 03期
  • 【分类号】TV213.9
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】262

