

Research about Environmental Joint Torts

【作者】 张义福

【导师】 李洪武;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 中国民法, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 20世纪60年代以来,环境问题成为全人类共同面临的重大问题,解决环境问题也成为全世界共同关注的重要课题。随着环境侵权事件的增多,各国在通过刑法和行政法来控制和减少环境污染事件的同时,也注重采用私法救济来恢复和填补受害人被侵害的权益。在环境侵权中,存在着许多由数个企业的排污行为共同造成危害的情形,我们称之为环境共同侵权行为。环境共同侵权行为如何构成?其责任如何承担?这都是摆在我们面前的重要课题。遗憾的是,我国理论和实务界对环境共同侵权行为没有给予足够的重视,导致实践中无法及时、合理地对受害人进行救济。本文正是想通过对环境共同侵权行为的介绍和分析,希望为我们提供一些有借鉴意义的价值取向和实体规则。本文由导言、正文和结语构成,正文部分分为五章来展开论述。第一章是环境共同侵权行为概述,又分为三部分。第一部分从环境侵权的概念入手,介绍了环境共同侵权行为的定义;第二部分介绍了环境共同侵权行为的分类,将其分为环境共同致害行为、加算的环境共同侵权行为和环境共同危险行为三种类型;第三部分重点分析了环境共同侵权行为的本质。第二章重点介绍了环境共同侵权行为的归责原则,分为三部分。第一部分首先概括论述了归责原则的概念及其在侵权行为法中的地位;第二部分采用比较分析的方法,论述了英美法国家、德国、法国、日本等环境立法比较发达的国家在环境共同侵权案件中所采用的归责原则,以期对我国有所借鉴;第三部分阐述了我国环境共同侵权行为的归责原则,提出了我国应采用无过错责任原则,但是现阶段无过错责任原则并未真正确立。第三章重点介绍了环境共同侵权行为的构成要件。在该章中,本文参照传统的构成要件理论,结合环境共同侵权行为的特点,提出了共同的环境加害行为、同一的危害后果、总体的因果关系三个要件,并分别进行了论述。第四章是关于环境共同侵权民事责任的免责事由的理论,分为三部分。第一部分介绍了不可抗力,在该部分,本文提出了自己的见解,认为不可抗力不应作为环境共同侵权民事责任的免责事由;第二部分将第三人的过错进行了细化,本文认为排污企业只有在危害完全是由第三人的过错引起的情况下才能免责,如果第三人和排污企业存在混合过错,则构成环境共同侵权;第三部介绍了受害人过错的理论,并分为受害人的故意、受害人的重大过失和受害人的一般过失来展开论述。第五章是关于环境共同侵权民事责任的实现机制的理论,分为四部分。第一部分介绍了环境共同侵权行为的法律适用问题;第二部分介绍了其承担民事责任的主体;第三部分论述了环境共同侵权民事责任的承担方式,主要有赔偿损失和排除危害两种方式;第四部分是该章的重点,介绍了环境共同侵权行为人的连带责任。本文的最后是结语部分,主要论述了两个问题。一是总结了本文的不足之处;二是通过借鉴其他国家的环境共同侵权的理论成果,结合我国环境共同侵权行为理论的现状,总结了一些在笔者看来对完善我国环境共同侵权行为理论有借鉴意义的结论。

【Abstract】 Since the 20th century 60’s, the environmental question has become the major issue which the world faces together, and the solution of the environmental question also becomes the important topic which the world must face together. Along with the environmental torts increase, while controlling and reducing environmental pollution event through the criminal law and the administrative law, countries also pays great attention to use the civil law to restore and to fill the rights and interests which the victim violates. In the environmental torts, there are many cases which are caused by several enterprises’ pollution, and we call it the environmental joint torts. How is the environmental joint torts? How do the enterprises undertake the responsibility? These questions are all suspended in front of us. But our theory and the practical realm have not given the enough value to the environmental joint torts, and this causes to be unable to carry on the relief promptly, reasonably to the victims. This article introduces and analyzes the theory of the environmental joint torts, and hopes to provide some value orientations and the entity rules for us.This article is constituted by the introduction, the main text and the conclusion. The main text part is divided into five chapters to analyze.First chapter is the outline of the environmental joint torts, and it is divided into three parts. The first part introduces the definition of the environmental joint torts. The second part introduces the classification of the environmental joint torts. It is divided into it the environment to send together harms, the environment together abuse of authority and the environment together dangerous behavior three kind of types. The third part has analyzed the essence of the environment joint torts .Second chapter mainly introduces the responsibility principle of the environmental joint torts, and it is divided into three parts. The first part elaborates the concept of the responsibility principle and the status in the environmental joint torts. The second part uses the method of comparative analysis, and elaborates the responsibility principle of British, American , Germany, France, Japan which the environment legislation quite developed countries has infringed upon the right in the environmental joint torts . The third part elaborates he responsibility principle which is used in the environmental joint torts in our country. Author proposes our country should use the non-mistake responsibility principle, but the non-mistake responsibility principle is not truly established at present in our country.Third chapter mainly introduces the constitution document of the environmental joint torts. In this chapter, the article referring to the traditional constitution document theory, and referring to the authority characteristic of the environmental joint torts, proposes the common environment injures the behavior, the identical harm consequence, the overall causal relation three constitution documents. Then the part has carried on the elaboration separately.Fourth chapter is about the exempt the responsibility matters in the environmental joint torts, and it is divided into three parts. The first part introduces the force majeure. In this part, the author proposes own opinion, and the anther advocates that the force majeure should not infringe exempt the responsibility matter. The second part carries on the refinement of the third human’ mistake. This article has thought the pollution discharge enterprise only when the pollution is completely caused by the third human’. If the third person and the enterprise both have mistake, they constitute environmental joint torts. Third part introduces the theory of the victim mistake. And this part divides into the victim intentionally, victim’s significant error and victim’s general error launches the elaboration.Fifth chapter is the theory of civil liability in environmental joint torts, and it is divided into four parts. The first part introduces what laws should the environmental joint torts suit. The second part introduces the main bodies who should undertake the civil liability. The third part elaborates the ways that the main bodies undertake the civil liability when they caused the environmental joint torts. There are compensation to lose and removing harms two ways. The fourth part is the key point of this chapter. This part mainly introduces the joint and several liability that the torters should undertake.The last part is the conclusion, and this part mainly elaborates two questions. First, the author summarizes deficiency of this article. Second, the author introduces and analyzes the theory of the environmental joint torts, and hopes to provide some value orientations and the entity rules for us.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 03期
  • 【分类号】D912.6;D913
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】369

