

The Investigation of the High-rise Structure Seismic Control by the Tuned Liquid Damper

【作者】 余枫

【导师】 贾影;

【作者基本信息】 北京交通大学 , 结构工程, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 结构振动控制为工程结构的风振、地震动控制开辟了一条新的有效途径,正日益成为研究的热点。调液阻尼器(TLD)作为一种被动控制装置,由于其造价低廉、可靠性高等优点,在高层建筑和高耸结构的风振控制中得到了较为广泛的应用,并取得了较好的控制效果。但对高层建筑而言,地震动作用要比风荷载作用危害大,TLD对高层建筑的地震反应控制技术还不完善。本文主要研究TLD在高层建筑的地震动控制中的作用,分析了影响TLD地震动控制效果的各种因素,具体内容如下。在绪论中,首先综述了高层建筑的振动问题和结构振动控制的研究内容,重点介绍了调液阻尼器的研究现状,包括理论、试验研究和工程应用状况。在较全面地了解与本课题相关领域研究现状的基础上,提出了本文的研究内容和方法。第二章是TLD一结构相互作用的计算方法研究。本文结合浅水波动理论和现代控制理论中的状态空间数学模型,推导出了利用TLD对结构进行振动控制的计算方法。通过实例计算和其他的计算方法比较发现,本文的计算方法不需要计算出TLD的动水压力值就可以直接得到受控体系的反应,可以简化计算程序,有一定的实际应用价值。第三章主要计算分析了影响TLD对高层建筑地震动控制效果的因素。对某一特定结构而言,影响TLD控制效果主要有两方面的因素:一是不同的TLD参数,本章讨论了质量比和TLD频率的影响;二是不同外荷载对TLD减振效果的影响。在地震荷载作用下,通过计算分析(必要时做模拟试验)进行TLD优化设计,选取合适的TLD参数,被动控制装置TLD对高层建筑的地震响应可以得到较好的控制效果。第四章以一个实际高层建筑为例,采用被动控制装置TLD进行结构在地震荷载作用下的振动控制设计,为以后进行高层建筑的抗震设计提供了一些借鉴。在结论与展望中,总结了本文取得的一些结论,提出了需要进一步解决的问题。

【Abstract】 Structure vibration control has opened a new way for suppressing the vibration of engineering structures under seismic and wind. Tuned liquid damper, as a passive control device, has its advantage of low cost, high reliability and so on.Therefore, it was applied widely in wind vibration control of towering and high-rise structure. And it has achieved good control results.But the damage of the earthquake for high-rise structure is larger than wind. The technique of high-rise structure seismic vibration control by TLD is not perfect now. In this thesis, the effect of TLD applied in high-rise structure seismic control will be reaserched, and it has analyzed the factors which affect the effect on seismic control of high-rise structure by TLD. The main contents are as follows.In the preface, the vibration problem of high-rise structure and the research on the structure vibration control are summarized systematically, introducing mainly the research on TLD.The contents and methods in this thesis are set forth, on the basis of understanding the current situation of dependent research fields.In the chapter 2, the calculation method on the interaction of TLD and the structure is researched. Based on the shallow-water wave theory and the state-space mathematic model in contemporary control theory, a new calculation method is proposed. This method can get the response of the structure directly which was applied by TLD.It can simplify the calculation procedure.The chapter 3 mainly calculates and analyzes the factors which affect the effect on seismic control of high-rise structure applied by TLD.For a certain structure, there have two sorts of factors which affect the effect of control. One is different parameters of TLD; the liquid mass ratio and the frequency of TLD have been discussed. Another is different frequencies of input loading.In the chapter 4, taking an actual high-rise structure for example, the passive control device of TLD is used for vibration control design of structures subjected to earthquake. This will give some reference for anti-seismic design of high-rise structure.In the conclusion and prospect, the main achievements of this thesis are summed up and the unsolved problems are mentioned.

  • 【分类号】TU973.31
  • 【下载频次】163

