

Measures Study about Medical Insurance Construction in Community

【作者】 韩永梅

【导师】 石美遐;

【作者基本信息】 北京交通大学 , 社会保障, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 贯彻党的十六大“科学发展观、以人为本、和谐社会”的思想,就社会医疗保险来讲,不仅要在管理和服务层面上降低费用、改善服务、方便群众,更重要的是要从体制、制度和政策层面上体现“科学发展和以人为本”的思想。随着经济发展、社会进步和人民生活水平的提高,人们对保健意识和对健康的需求也随之提高,疾病预防和保健越来越受到全社会的关注。这就对社会基本医疗保险制度的发展和完善提出了新的课题。而在我国经济基础相对薄弱和卫生资源相对短缺的条件下,发展社会基本医疗保险,解决“看病难”和“看病贵”问题,特别是满足老年人的健康需求,就必须依托社区卫生服务机构平台来实现。社区卫生服务不仅能降低居民的看病成本,而且还能整合优化配置卫生资源,使所有民众能就近、及时地获得基本医疗服务。然而,社区医疗服务机构普遍面临着人才匮乏、管理落后、诚信缺失等问题,影响了其功能的正常发挥,也影响医保经办机构将其纳入医保定点。本文对我国社区医疗建设过程中存在的各种问题给出了详细的分析,并提出相应的合理建议。共分为六个部分。第一部分为绪论,主要介绍了研究目的和意义、国内外文献综述、研究内容、方法和创新点,为研究的开展做了铺垫。第二部分在查找文献的基础上,归纳了社区医疗的理论与现实基础。第三部分总结了在我国发展社区医疗的现实意义。第四部分归纳概括了我国社区医疗的发展现状,重在提出我国社区医疗建设过程中存在的问题。第五部分系统、全面、详尽的提出了发展我国社区医疗的对策建议,对我国社区医疗建设有一定的参考价值。最后为结束语,对论文进行总结。

【Abstract】 To fully act on the thought of "scientific developing, human oriented and harmonious society" of 16th Part Congress of PRC, on social medical insurance perspective, it not only a question how to decrease expense, improve service, convenient for people on aspect of management and service, but also is a issue, could be more important, the thought which scientific developing and harmonious society is embodied on system and policy aspect. With the development of economic and society , and the advance of living level standard, so did health care consciousness and requirement of health and both disease prevention and health has been more and more paid attention.. Therefore, a new question appeared for development and perfect social medical security system.However, in terms of the weak economic base and shortness of medical resources, if we want to develop our social basic medical insurance and solve the problems of the lack of the health resources and high cost, especially to meet the health need of elderly people, we must depend on the community medical service flat. Providing medical service in community not only can reduce the cost of patients, but also can optimize the medical resources, which enable people acquire the medical service in close distance from their residence and in time. Unfortunately, most medical institutions are facing many problems now, such as talent shortages, backward management and integrity deficiencies, which not only affect its normal functioning play, but also affect its being brought into listed medical institutions by the medical insurance handing agencies.This paper has s close look at the existing problems in the community medical construction, and provides some reasonable advice for it. It divides into six parts altogether. Part one is the preface, introduces the aim and the meaning of the research, the domestic and overseas former documents, the content, the methods and the innovations of the research. Part two is on the basis of searching formal document, summarizes the basement of community in theory and in reality. Part three summarizes the real meaningless if we construct the medical service in community.. Part four generalizes characteristics of current stage about it, and put forward the problems in it. Part five gives the countermeasures and advice in detail and maybe they are worthy for the construction of medical service in community.. Part six is the tag.

  • 【分类号】R197.1
  • 【被引频次】10
  • 【下载频次】896

