

Study on Resource Allocation of Strategy for Railway Information Service Enterprise

【作者】 张超

【导师】 张明玉;

【作者基本信息】 北京交通大学 , 工商管理, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 铁路信息服务企业其在企业定性上属于专家型企业范畴,在业务实施上以项目为主要组织方式。为实现“为中国铁路跨越式发展提供一流信息服务和思想指导”的企业战略,如何合理地配置有限的资源成为首要问题,资源配置是否得当是关系到企业战略实现的关键问题。由于项目的独特性和一次性特点,企业在资源配置时容易出现“短视”的状况,即只着眼于满足当前特定项目的资源需求,对企业其他项目的资源需求状况及资源配置对企业长远发展的影响等关注不够,因而存在资源效率低下或多项目间资源冲突的现象,导致资源成本增加甚至影响到项目目标的实现。本文的主要成果及贡献体现在以下几方面:1.从铁路信息服务企业战略发展与项目关系和多项目间资源平衡两个方面,对资源方法进行了研究。在对企业战略管理和资源配置理论分析的基础上,明确了企业资源配置与战略目标之间的关系。2.通过对资源特点分析,确定了铁路信息服务企业资源配置的原则和目标。根据铁路信息服务企业中单个项目、多个不相关项目和多个相关项目情况下资源配置方法既有相似性又有差别的特点,本论文首先对战略目标体系中的相关项目组合的资源配置方法进行了研究。3.大型项目计划管理是战略管理和项目管理沟通的一座桥梁,本论文按照大型项目计划管理生命周期,按照战略目标体系构建、项目选择、资源分析与计划、资源冲突平衡和资源配置评估和结束过程,构建了资源配置方法。在此基础上,针对另两种情况下资源配置的特点进行了方法分析,提出了资源配置过程,最后对研究进行了总结和展望。4.该方法体系不仅解决了多项目间资源平衡问题,更重要的意义在于把企业资源配置与战略发展结合起来,强调企业管理资源的共享和积累,促使企业合理利用社会资源,提高企业竞争力。5.本文同时对其他行业性信息服务企业也具有一定的借鉴意义。

【Abstract】 Railway information service enterprise belongs to expert-type one in nature, and takes project as main organization of business implementation. In order to realize the enterprise strategy as "to provide first-class information service and concept guidance for leap-forward development of China railways", how to allocate limited resources in a reasonable way becomes the most important problem. Reasonable allocation of resources serves as the key factor for realization of enterprise strategy. Due to the unique and once-off characteristics of project, enterprises tend to be myopic in resource allocation, i.e., they only focus on meeting requirement on resources by certain current project, but pay little attention to resource demands of other projects and influence of resource allocation to long-term development of enterprises. Thus, low efficiency of resources or resource conflict among projects becomes common in railway information service enterprises, which increases cost of resource or even affects project target.1. The paper studies on resource allocation in two aspects: relationship between strategic development and project; resource balancing among different projects. Based on analysis on theories of strategic management and resource allocation, the paper defines relationship between resource allocation and strategic target of an enterprise.2. Through analysis on characteristics of resources, the paper elaborates principles and objects of resource allocation for railway information service enterprises. In consideration of the fact that resources allocation methods for three conditions as single project, several non-interrelated projects and several interrelated projects have both similarities and differences, the paper studies on combined resource allocation method for interrelated projects of strategic target system firstly. Plan management of large-sized project serves as the bridge between strategic management and project management.3. According to life cycle of plan management for large-sized project, the paper establishes resource allocation method on the basis of construction of strategic target system, project selection, resource analysis, resource planning, evaluation and closing procedures for balancing of resource conflict and resource allocation. Based on the method, the paper analyzes characteristics of resource allocation methods for other two conditions, and proposes procedure of resource allocation.4. This method system solves resource balancing of several projects, more importantly, it combines resource allocation with strategic development of enterprises, emphasizes on sharing and accumulation of enterprise management resource.5. Finally, it promotes more reasonable use of social resource by enterprises and improves competitiveness of enterprises.

  • 【分类号】F532.6
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】179

